Optimization of land and water resources in Nanakmatta Canal Command of Uttarakhand using fuzzy linear programming approach

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G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand)
In India, total irrigated area is only one-third of total cropping area but produces about two-third of total agricultural production. In order to fulfil the future demand, it is necessary to increase the total irrigated area and also to increase the efficiency of irrigation systems.Performance evaluations of canal irrigation system are being carried out for different purposes to to assess the general health of the system and to improve system operation. Fuzzy Optimization techniques provide a powerful tool for analysis of problems that are formulated with multiple objectives. The Tarai region of the Uttarakhand state of India is endowed with plenty of water resources and large flat agricultural land and therefore, the optimal planning for land and water resources is necessary to check the misuse. Keeping above fact in view, the present study was taken up for Nanakmatta canal system of Udham Singh Nagar district of Uttarakhand to study the existing cropping pattern and status of water resources in the command area,to study the existing performance of Nanakmatta canal system and to develop a multi-objective optimization model for optimal utilization of land and water resources in the canal command. The existing performance of the Nanakmatta canal system was evaluated in terms of the parameters namely adequacy, dependability, equity and efficiency. Based on the various performance indicators/parameters, estimated for Nanakmatta canal system, the adequacy and the efficiency of the Nanakmatta canal system was judged as poor whereas the overall equity of the system was judged as fair. The dependability i.e., reliability and timeliness of water supply in the canal system, was found good for all zones of the delivery system. The multi-objective fuzzy linear programming was used to optimize two objective functions namely the maximization of net return from the command and maximization of total cropped area. The fuzzified optimal plan, under normal rainfall conditions, resulted in annual return of Rs. 84.615 Million against net sown area of 1856.40 ha for optimized value λ=0.5855. A total of 101523.10 ha-cm of canal flow remained unutilized however the ground water was completely utilized with maximum use during month of October. The fuzzified optimal plan, under 50 percent probability rainfall, resulted in annual return of Rs. 75.981 million against net sown area of 1627.90 ha at optimized value of λ=0.5525. About 25 percent more canal water was consumed to cater the irrigation water demand as compared to that under normal rainfall conditions.More area could be brought under sowing through rescheduling of the canal water flows during higher water demanding months. This will not only increase the net return but also increase the net sown area in the command and reduced burden over the ground water draft.