Impact of Agricultural Research Stations and Farms on the cultivation of crops by the farmers of the surrounding area

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Department of Agricultural Extension, College of Agriculture, Vellayani
The study on the lmpact of agricultural research stations and farms on the cultivation of crops by the farmers of the surrounding area was designed to fin d out the differences between the surrounding farmers and distant farmers in their knowledge level on, attitude towards and adoption o f the improved agricultural practices in paddy cultivation . It also envisaged study of the farmers' perception about research station and research workers and the farmers suggestions as to the type of research needed. The factors contributing to the differences in attitude, knowledge and adoption were also studied. The investigation was carried out in respect of the Regional A gricultural Research Station, Pattambi and Rice Research Station, Kayamkulam. The important findings of the study were the following ; 1, Significant difference was found to exist between the surrounding farmers and distant farmers in their degree of contact with research station and research workers, level of knowledge on Improved agricultural technology, extent of attitude towards improved agricultural practices, adoption of the recommended agricultural practices and perception about research station and research workers in Pattambi as well as Kayamkulam. The surrounding farmers stood significantly better in all the five variables mentioned earlier , 2. The farmers' degree o f contact with research station and research workers was significantly and positively related to their level of knowledge) extent of attitude and extent of adoption of the improved agricultural practices. 3. Age end economic status had no significant association with the farmers degree of contact with research station and research workers. 4. Education, farm size and scientific orientation were found to be signifIcantly and positively associated with the farmers' degree of contact with research station and research workers. 5 . Farmers of Pattambi were significantly better in their degree o f contact with research station and research workers, level of knowledge on improved agricultural technology, adoption o f recommended practices and perception about research station and research workers. 6 . An overall favourable perception was found to be held by the farmers about the research station and research workers. 7. Suggestions made by Pattambi farmers were to conduct research to overcome problems like use of unrecommended varieties , weed menace in first crop and low straw yield . 8 . Kayamkulam farmers invited research work on problems like in ability to apply nutrients at critical stages of growth due to vagaries in weather conditions, low organic matter content of soil and high weed incidence especially in 2nd crop.