Analysis of agrometeorological aspects of brinjal cultivation

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A field experiment entitled “Analysis of agrometeorological aspects of Brinjal cultivation” was conducted in the research farm of Department of Vegetable Science, Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar during autumn-winter season of 2020 with the objectives to quantifying various agrometeorological indices for different phenophases and to examine the relationship between weather variables and yield attributes of Brinjal. The experiment was conducted in Factorial Randomized Block Design with four dates of transplanting i.e. July 5th, 15th, 25th and August 4th, 2020), with three varieties viz., Hisar Shymal, BR-112 and HLB-12 replicated thrice . The results showed that the crop transplanted on 15thJuly exhibited higher growth,yield attributes and final yield. The higher yield per plant (1.0 kg) , yield/ ha (271.22q) and biological yield (474.42 q/ha) were observed at maturity in brinjal crop transplanted on 15th July because of enhanced attainment by the yield attributes. The accumulated agrometeorological indices attained by the brinjal crop were 1229⁰C day (GDD), 8216⁰C day hour (HTU) and 16348⁰C day hour (PTU) at 1stpicking of fruits. On the basis of results obtained from the above study, it may be concluded that 15th July found to be most suitable period for transplanting of brinjal seedlings which resulted into maximum growth, yield attributes and yield along with optimum utilization of derived agrometeorological indices viz., thermal units; heliothermal units; photothermal units; hydrothermal units; with optimum use of other relevant derived agrometeorological indices. Among the varieties of brinjal; Hisar Shyamal proved more adaptive and superior in growth, yield attributes and yield utilizing the agrometeorological indices and natural resources with enhanced use efficiency.