Knowledge Level of Kanni Adu Goat Farmers towards Climate Change in Southern Region of Tamil Nadu

Goat farming is a significant source of income for the poor, particularly for disadvantaged farmers who rear goats in a traditional system with little to no inputs. Goats are a climate-adaptable species that can provide food security in the future. In this background current study was conducted to know about the goat farmers’ knowledge on climate change through pre-tested interview schedule, data were collected from 381 Kanni Adu goat farmers in southern region of Tamil Nadu. The findings of this study revealed that 75.33 per cent of the respondents had knowledge on rainy season begins in the month of October under individual statement wise knowledge category. In component wise knowledge level, nearly half of the respondents had knowledge on weather items such as rainy season, southwest monsoon and northeast monsoon whereas knowledge gap has been observed in understanding the meaning of climate change (96.59%) and causes of climate change (90.60%). Under overall category, the majority of farmers (85.04%) had a medium to low level of knowledge.
Veterinary Science, Veterinary Extension