Demographic Study of Pneumonia in Cattle in and Around Namakkal, Tamilnadu

Pneumonia is one of the important diseases affecting cattle and buffaloes causing severe economic loss to the dairy industry in India. A study has been undertaken to analyze the incidence of pneumonia in cattle in Namakkal, Tamilnadu. The incidence of bacterial pneumonia in cattle, buffaloes, calves and buffalo calves were 4.20, 9.20, 8.96 and 19.64 per cent, respectively among various medical disease conditions. The female animals were most commonly affected when compared to male animals. Incidence of Pneumonia is one of the important diseases affecting cattle and buffaloes causing severe economic loss to the dairy industry in India. A study has been undertaken to analyze the incidence of pneumonia in cattle in Namakkal, Tamilnadu. The incidence of bacterial pneumonia in cattle, buffaloes, calves and buffalo calves were 4.20, 9.20, 8.96 and 19.64 per cent, respectively among various medical disease conditions. The female animals were most commonly affected when compared to male animals. Incidence of pneumonia was high during the month of May and December. Highest incidence of pneumonia was noticed in 3-5 years age cattle (35.71 %) and in 5-7 years of age buffaloes (33.33 %).
Veterinary Science, Veterinary Clinical Medicine, Cattle, Demographic data, Pneumonia