Patent Analysis and Firm Performance: A Study of Indian Manufacturing Sector

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Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana
The present study was undertaken with the aim to carry out Patent Analysis of selected Indian manufacturing firms and to study the relationship between Patent Data and Firm Performance. Five major manufacturing sectors namely, Automobile, Consumer Goods, Energy, Industrial Manufacturing and Pharmaceuticals were included in the study. Period of analysis was 10 years i.e. from 2004-05 to 2013-14. Patent Analysis consisted of Patent Applications, Patents Granted, Backward Citations, Forward Citations and Total Citations. Measures of Firm Performance included in the study were Profit after tax as a percentage of Total Assets, Sales, Sales Growth and Tobin’s q. The results of the study indicate that Pharmaceutical sector has filed maximum number of Patent Application and maximum Patents were Granted to this sector. There was a significant difference among various sectors on the basis of Patent Data. Results of correlation analysis revealed that there was no definite relationship between Patent Data and Firm Performance as the results varied across the sectors. There was positive and significant correlation between Patent Data and Sales for Pharmaceutical and Energy Sector. There was evidence of positive and significant relationship between Profit After Tax as a percentage of Total Assets and Patent Applications as well as Patents Granted but small value of correlation coefficient pointed towards very week relationship.