Supplementation of Indian Bay leaf Powder (Cinnamomum tamala) on growth performance and stress alleviation in White Pekin Duckling

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Department of Veterinary Clinical Medicine, OUAT, Bhubaneswar
The present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of environmental thermal stress on body weight, FCR, haemato-biochemical and anti-oxidant parameters to assess the ameliorative potential of Indian Bay leaf Powder (IBP) in White Pekin ducklings. Ninety-six (n=96) day old White Pekin ducklings were randomly allocated into 4 groups, having 24 birds in each group and maintained for a period of 6 weeks. Group 1, 2, 3, 4 were fed IBP @ dose rate of 0, 400, 800, 1200mg/kg body weight, respectively, in feed. Blood collection was done from 24 birds only, which are randomly selected from 4 groups (6 from each group) on day 0 (3week old duckling) and subsequently on 21st and 42nd day of experiment. Exposure to increasing THI (Temperature-Humidity Index) or thermal stress over a period of 42days caused significant changes in the ducklings including reduced body weight gain, feed intake and increase water intake, along with open mouth breathing, dullness, ruffled feathers, which were very noticeable. The mentioned signs were also noticed in IBP (400mg/kg b.wt. in feed) treated birds, but in a very milder form. During the experiment there was persistent increasing THI from day 0 to day 42, revealing increasing level of stress to ducklings from 3-week-old to 9-week-old. There was significant reduction in body weight gain from day 0 to day 42 of experiment in G1, which was significantly alleviated by supplementation of Indian Bay leaf powder @ 800mg/kg and 1200mg/kg b.wt. in feed. Thermal stress had great effects on mean values of Hb, PCV, Heterophil %, Lymphocyte %, H/L ratio and reversal of these effects was witnessed significantly with supplementation of IBP @ 1200mg/kg body weight, but insignificant in case of PCV and heterophil %. Significant increase in mean levels of SGOT, SGPT, ALP, LDH, glucose, Cholesterol, TG, BUN, Creatinine, UA and corticosterone indicating liver and kidney dysfunction was recorded, with increasing thermal stress. However, with supplementation of IBP @ 1200mg/kg body weight in feed, these levels were significantly decreased. Supplementation of IBP @ 800mg/kg body weight in feed helped in reducing mean values of SGPT, creatinine, glucose and corticosterone significantly. Supplementation of IBP @ 400mg/kg b.wt. in feed reduce mean values of creatinine, glucose and corticosterone only. Significant decrease in mean levels of TP, ALB, Globulin, Ca and P has been recorded indicating hypoproteinemia along with mineral deficiency due to impaired absorption with thermal stress, whereas, with supplementation of IBP @ 1200mg/kg body weight in feed, these levels were significantly increased. Significant reduction in activities of TAC, SOD, catalase & GSH in RBC haemolysate (blood) indicates oxidative stress accompanied with thermal stress. Supplementation of IBP @ 800mg/kg and 1200mg/kg body weight in feed, these parameters were significantly reversed to almost normal. It is concluded from the present investigation that prophylactic inclusion of IBP @ 800 and 1200 mg/kg body weight to feed can help alleviating the deleterious effect of environmental thermal stress, such as growth disturbances, haemato-biochemical alterations, and anti-oxidant level variations in White Pekin duckling.