Supply chain analysis of potato in Punjab

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Punjab Agricultural University
The present study was carried out to analyse the supply chain of potato in Punjab. To fulfil the objectives of the study, primary data has collected from 80 potato growers from three districts of the state. Apart from this, the study has also covered 35 marketing intermediaries to examine the cost and return from the different potato supply chains. The study has also collected the data regarding the problems faced by them on the basis of these problems, the study has suggested some policy implications which might be useful for the income enhancement of farmers. The study has identified the five supply chains for table potato, four supply chains of seed potato and three emerging channels of potato referred hereafter as TPSCs, SPSCs and ESCPs. In case of table potato supply chains, the producer's share in consumers rupee was maximum (78.89%) in TPSC-II (Producer →Commission Agent →Consumer) and lowest (53.36%) in TPSC-V (Producer→ Trader →Wholesaler→ Retailer→ Consumer). TPSC-II is found to be most efficient with magnitude of marketing efficiency at 3.74. The degree of value addition was the highest in TPSC-V, the difference in value addition was due to the difference in the number of intermediaries involved in this supply chain. In case of seed potato, the producer's sale price was the highest in case of SPSC-II (Rs 2147.56/q) and the lowest in case of SPSC-I (Rs 1335.60/q). The total marketing cost was the highest in SPSC-III (Rs 518.26/q) and the lowest was reported for SPSC-II (Rs 352.44/q), the reason being the less involvement of intermediaries in this supply chain. The producer’s share in consumer rupee was observed to be the highest for SPSC-II and the lowest for SPSC-III. As far as the producers share in consumer rupee from ESCP is concerned, it was observed that the share was 81 per cent in ESCP-I, 90 per cent in both ESCP-II and ESCP-III. Among all the problems, the major problems faced by farmers were high price fluctuation, problem in timely getting payment and lack of cooperative system in the village. From market intermediaries’ point of view, the major problems were lack of quality produce and lack of transportation facilities during the peak season. The study pointed out the role of awareness generation, price incentives and better infrastructure facilities to the potato growers for encouraging them to emerging potato supply chains that could enhance the farmers returns. It also focuses on capacity building for quality production and the encouragement of processors as well as FPOs to boost the potato production and procurement. The expansion of potato cultivation and better integration of the farmers with emerging supply chains will contribute towards sustainable crop diversification in Punjab.
Jobanpreet Singh (2023). Supply chain analysis of potato in Punjab (Unpublished M.Sc. thesis). Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India.