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A study was carried out for analysing the efficacy of priming, fungicidal seed treatment and polymer coating on the storability of onion seeds under different storage environments and packaging materials for a period of one year. The seeds of onion cultivar Agrifound Dark Red were used as the experimental material and the seeds were obtained from three locations viz. Indore, Rajkot and Lasargaon. The initial seed quality parameters were investigated and depending upon the germination percentage and incidence of mycoflora, the seed lot from Rajkot was selected for further studies. Further, the seeds were subjected to specific gravity separation and divided into five different grades. The specific gravity separation improved the seed quality parameters significantly over the original seed lot. The grades having germination percentage above Indian Minimum Seed Certification Standards (70 %) were mixed and used for further experiments. Also, the seeds were primed with different chemicals and the best treatment was selected. Priming treatments were found to enhance the speed of germination and other seed quality parameters to a significant extent. Subsequently, polymer coating was done using the polymer polykote procured from M/s Chemtura, wherein the seeds were subjected to seed treatments with and without polymer coating of carboxin, thiram, neem oil and bio-agents viz. Trichoderma harzianum and Kalisena and stored for a period of one year under ambient conditions as well as low temperature-low humidity (LTLH) conditions in two different packaging materials viz. cloth bags and aluminum foil packets. The primed seeds were also kept under storage with and without polymer coating and proper controls were maintained in each case. The seed germination and vigour indices were estimated at an interval of three months and it was observed that there was a gradual decline in both the parameters due to seed deterioration over the storage period. However, the extent of deterioration was lesser in case of polymer coated seeds owing to its specific property of regulating the moisture content. The polymer coated seeds were also associated with lower moisture content and lesser incidence of seed borne fungi as compared to the uncoated ones. The efficacy of seed treatments was evaluated through seedling emergence at the end of the storage period and it was found that the fungicidal seed treatments proved to be superior in the maintenance of the seed quality. The bioagents, especially Trichoderma harzianum, were also found effective. The HPLC analysis of the seed material revealed extensive dust off in case of uncoated treatments which was significantly reduced by the polymer coating. Hence, the polymer coating was found as a suitable carrier of seed treatment materials and also facilitated lower seed deterioration during the storage. The primed seeds were found to exhibit better longevity under the LTLH conditions as compared to the ambient conditions, irrespective of the storage containers.