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The present study was carried out to develop and evaluate single, three-way and
double crosses developed from six inbreds (four genotypes of Gossypium hirsutum L.
and two genotypes of Gossypium barbadense L.) and to elicit information on
combining ability and the nature of gene action, magnitude of standard heterosis,
comparative performance of single, three-way and double crosses, order effects of the
parents involved in three-way and double crosses for fourteen yield and fibre quality
contributing characters
Six promising established inbred lines were crossed in half diallel during Kharif,
2019 at Agricultural Research Station, Adilabad. The resultant 15 F1’s were raised
during Summer, 2019 and were involved in crosses with inbreds such that no parent
appears twice in the same cross and obtained 60 three-way crosses. Similarly, single
crosses were involved in diallel set with restriction that only unrelated crosses were
involved in crossing programme and obtained 45 double crosses. The resulting 15
single, 60 three-way, 45 double crosses along with six parents and eighteen
public/private checks were evaluated in simple lattice design (12 × 12) for variability,
combining ability, heterosis and prediction of double cross performance at ARS,
Adilabad during Kharif, 2020.
Analysis of variance for all the entries for 14 studied characters indicated the
presence of variability among genotypes. Mean sum of squares for all the three types of
crosses i.e. single, three-way and double crosses were highly significant for all the
characters except the trait uniformity ratio suggesting the variability among three types
of crosses. In diallel, analysis of variance revealed that mean squares were highly
significant for all the 14 traits except uniformity ratio, indicating that these traits were
highly influenced by environmental factors.
Significant differences among the parents and single cross hybrids inferred
considerable variation among the parents as well as the hybrids for all the traits except
ginning outturn (GOT%) and uniformity ratio. This suggested that the parents
transmitted their variable potential to their crosses for a majority of the traits. All the
characters showed non additive gene action except days to 50 per cent flowering and
GOT%, indicating preponderance of non additive gene action in the inheritance of all
the characters studied.
Triallel analysis showed that all the three types of epistatic components viz.,
additive × additive, additive × dominance, dominance × dominance, in addition to the
additive and dominance gene actions played a major role in the expression of all
fourteen traits studied. The analysis of variance of quadriallel showed that dominance
variance was found to be more than additive variance for all the traits except
micronaire, uniformity ratio and seed cotton yield plant-1
. Among the epistatic
interactions, dominance × dominance interaction was predominant for all the traits
except uniformity ratio and seed cotton yield plant-1
. Additive × additive interaction was
predominant for seed cotton yield plant-1 whereas, additive × dominance interaction for
uniformity ratio. For all the traits except plant height, number of monopodia plant-1
micronaire, uniformity ratio and seed cotton yield plant-1
additive × additive × additive
interactions were very high. Presence of additive, additive × dominance, additive ×
additive and dominance × dominance gene actions in three-way and double crosses
suggest that, the trait improvement would be possible by adopting special breeding
methods like inter mating in early segregating generations for two to three generations
followed by pedigree method of breeding or recurrent selection schemes.
Among all 120 hybrids studied, one single cross i.e., ARBC 64 × CNH 115
(36.07%), three-way crosses viz., (Adilabad kapas-1 × ARBC 64) × ADB 39 (34.48%),
(ARBC 64 × CNH 115) × Adilabad kapas-1 (33.06%) and (ADB 39 × CNH 115) ×
Phule rukhmai (28.86%*) and one double cross combination (ADB 39 × ARBC 64) ×
(Suvin × CNH 115) (25.38%*) was exhibited significant positive standard heterosis
over check WGHH-2, whereas none of the hybrid shown significant positive heterosis
over check Randheer, fourteen different cross combinations of single (2), three-way (9)
and double cross (3) had positive heterosis for seed cotton yield plant-1
. All these
fourteen crosses were found to have significantly desirable heterosis for one or more
fibre quality traits over check Randheer.
Based on the per se performance of seed cotton yield plant-1
(g) with superior
fibre quality traits like 2.5% span length, bundle strength and micronaire, the single
crosses ADB 39 × Phule Rukhmai (195.29 g), Adilabad kapas-1× Phule Rukhmai
(183.80 g) and ARBC 64 × CNH 115 (217.82 g) had standard heterosis of 22.00%,
14.82% and 36.07%** over check WGHH-2 with high specific combining ability
effects (744.56**, 664.70** and 818.19**, respectively). Among three-way crosses
(Adilabad kapas-1× ARBC 64) × ADB 39 (215.27 g), (ARBC 64 × CNH 115) ×
Adilabad kapas-1(213.00 g) and (ADB 39 × CNH 115) × Phule Rukhmai (206.27 g) had
shown standard heterosis of 34.48%*, 33.06%* and 28.86%* with significant 3-line
specific combining effects 6.44, 31.27** and 51.55**, respectively over check WGHH 2. In double crosses, [(ADB 39 × ARBC 64) × (Suvin × CNH 115) (200.71 g)], [(ADB
39 × Suvin) × (ARBC 64 × CNH 115) (186.17 g)], [(Adilabad kapas-1× ARBC 64) ×
(ADB 39 × CNH 115) (176.36 g)] and [(Adilabad kapas-1× CNH 115) × (ADB 39 ×
ARBC 64) (174.23 g)] having standard heterosis of 25.38%*, 16.29% and 10.17% and
four line interaction effects of 4.97, 5.84 and 0.78, respectively over check WGHH-2.
Further all the three-way crosses and double crosses had shown significant differences
in combining ability effects while changing the orders of a particular combination in all
the fourteen characters studied.
The predicted seed cotton yield of the double cross hybrids based on single cross
and three-way cross performance was found to be higher than the actual in 73% of the
hybrids tested. But, only 22% hybrids exhibited lower yield than actual when predicted
by Dt-s
. The correlation coefficient between actual and predicted performance based on
, Dt
and Dt-s was 1.49, 2.19 and 1.80, respectively significant correlation was
observed to be predicted only by the three way crosses.
The findings of the present investigation clearly suggest that none of the eight
interspecific hybrids exhibited significantly superior standard heterosis over the intra
hirsutum hybrids for yield. However, quality parameters were found to be desirable in
interspecific hybrids indicating that priority must be given to achieve proper balance
between yield and quality aspects in future cotton breeding programmes. Plant breeding
methods that deviate from the normal pedigree method need to be employed to develop
genotypes/hybrids combined with yield and desirable quality characters.
Appropriate cross combinations identified in each class of hybrids such as ADB
39 × Phule rukhmai , Adilabad kapas-1 × Phule rukhmai and ARBC 64 × CNH 115
single crosses, (Adilabad kapas-1 × ARBC 64) × ADB 39, (ARBC 64 × CNH 115) ×
Adilabad kapas-1 and (ADB 39 × CNH 115) × Phule rukhmai three-way crosses and
(ADB 39 × ARBC 64) × (Suvin × CNH 115), (ADB 39 × Suvin) × (ARBC 64 × CNH
115), (Adilabad kapas-1 × ARBC 64) × (ADB 39 × CNH 115) and (Adilabad kapas-1 ×
CNH 115) × (ADB 39 × ARBC 64) double crosses can be subjected to different mating
systems and the resultant progenies can be exploited for identification of superior cotton
genotypes possessing both quality and yield