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A field experiment entitled “System Productivity and Phosphorus Management in Pearl millet-Pulse Sequence” was conducted for two consecutive years (2017-18 and 2018-19) on clay soils of Agricultural College Farm, Bapatla. The soil of the experimental field was clay, neutral in reaction, medium in organic C content, low in available N, medium in available P and high in K. The experiment consisted of seven phosphorus management treatments viz., T1; control (no phosphorous), T2; 50 % Recommended dose of Phosphorus (RDP), T3; 75 % Recommended dose of Phosphorus, T4; 100% Recommended dose of Phosphorus (30 kg ha-1), T5; 50 % Recommended dose of Phosphorus + Seed inoculation with phosphate solubilizing biofertilizer @ 200 g per 10 kg seed, T6; 75 % Recommended dose of Phosphorus + Seed inoculation with phosphate solubilizing biofertilizer @ 200 g per 10 kg seed, T7; 100% Recommended dose of Phosphorus + Seed inoculation with phosphate solubilizing biofertilizer @ 200 g per 10 kg seed and these treatments were imposed to pearl millet.during kharif while in rabi, each of the kharif treatmental plot was subdivided into three plots to accommodate three different pulses viz., blackgram, greengram and chickpea. Thus, for rabi season study, residual phosphorus management practices were considered as main plot treatments and the three pulse crops as sub plot treatments. All the treatments were randomly allocated in three replications with Randomized block design for kharif season and Spit-plot design for rabi season in both the years of study. The cultivars tested for pearl millet, blackgram, greengram and chickpea were Rana, LBG-752, IPM 2-14 and JG-11, respectively. The influence of different phosphorus management practices combined with PSB exhibited significant influence on all growth characters of pearl millet viz., plant height, dry matter production, LAI, CGR, RGR and NAR and yield attributes and yield of pearl millet with similar trend in the both years of study. SPAD chlorophyll meter values, test weight and harvest index were not significantly different. xviii Application of 100 % RDP + seed inoculation with PSB (T7) produced the taller plants, maximum drymatter production, LAI, CGR, RGR and NAR at all growth stages but with regards to LAI, CGR, RGR and NAR were irrespective of treatment, increased upto 60 DAS and thereafter decreased. The highest number of productive tillers and earhead length were also followed similar trend as that of growth parameters. The treatment T7 was statistically comparable to T4 (100 % RDP) in all growth and yield attributing parameters of pearl millet. Significantly the highest yield (grain and stover) of pearl millet and also higher nutrient uptake (NPK) was obtained with T7 (100 % RDP + seed inoculation with PSB) and T4 (100 % RDP) and both were found to be on par with each other during both years of study, followed by T6 (75 % RDP + seed inoculation with PSB), which was at par with T4 .The lowest was observed with control (T1). Maximum available post harvest nutrient status (NPK), higher microbial population (total bacteria, fungal and rhizobium) counts per gram of soil and net returns were recorded with 100 % RDP+ seed inoculation with PSB (T7) and closely followed by T4 (100 % RDP). Plant height, drymatter production, yield parameters and yield of rabi pulses were significantly influenced due to residual phosphorus management practices which were imposed to kharif pearl millet. Among the different treatments, the treatment which received 100 % RDP + seed inoculation with PSB (M7) had maximum residual affect on rabi pulses which was recorded the significantly higher growth, yield attributes and yield of pulses and it was comparable to 100 % RDP (M4). Where as, in among three pulses, highest growth attributes were produced by green gram, but chickpea had produced maximum yield followed by greengram. The maximum nutrient (NPK) uptake, post harvest soil nutrient status and microbial populations were registered with the residual effect of P supplied with 100 % RDP + seed inoculation with PSB and 100 % RDP. While, the significantly lowest observations were observed with control (M1- no phosphorus). Among the three crops, chickpea had recorded the maximum uptake in grain, while maximum uptake of haulm was obtained by greengram, where as, blackgram left the maximum soil fertility status at higher level than other remaining two crops. Similarly, the higher microbial populations were recorded after harvest greengram which closely followed by blackgram and chickpea. Significantly the highest returns, returns per rupee investment and pearl millet equivalent yields (PMEY) were recorded with maximum residual P affect of 100 % RDP+ PSB (M7) followed by 100 % RDP (M4) . Among the three crops, chickpea had produced maximum returns and PMEY closely followed by greengram. From the two years study, it can be concluded that application of 100 % RDP along with seed inoculation with PSB had recorded maximum direct effect on pearl millet and also residual effect on rabi pulses and it was statistically at par with 100% RDP. Among the three cropping systems studied, pearl millet- chickpea was found to be more productive and economical cropping systems which was closely followed by pearl millet-greengram.