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Rajasthan University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Bikaner - 334001
The present investigation was carried out in six hundred and thirty apparently healthy Marwari goat of either sex, between 6 months to 4.5 years of age to determine enzyme regulators of carbohydrate metabolism in liver during extreme environmental temperatures. The enzymes were categorised according to the pathways of carbohydrate metabolism which included glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, hexose mono phosphate shunt, TCA cycle and other reactions. Enzymes of glycolysis were hexokinase (HK); phosphoglucose isomerase (PGI); aldolase (ALD); glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) and pyruvate kinase (PK). Enzymes of gluconeogenesis included phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK); glucose-6-phosphatase (Glc-6-Pase); aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT). Enzymes of hexose monophosphate shunt taken were glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) and 6-Phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (6PGD). Enzymes of TCA cycle were isocitrate dehydrogenase (ICDH) and malate dehydrogenase (MDH). Enzymes under the category of other reactions included lactate dehydrogenase (LDH); glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) and sorbitol dehydrogenase (SDH). Glycogen of the liver samples was also determined. The mean values of liver HK, PGI and ALD were significantly (p≤0.05) higher during hot and cold environmental temperature in comparison to moderate mean value, respectively. The mean values of liver GAPDH and PK were significantly (p≤0.05) lower during hot and cold environmental temperature in comparison to moderate mean value, respectively. The mean values of liver PEPCK; Glc-6-Pase; AST and ALT were significantly (p≤0.05) higher during hot and cold environmental temperatures in comparison to overall moderate mean value. The mean values of liver G6PDH and 6PGD were significantly (p≤0.05) higher during hot and cold environmental temperatures in comparison to overall moderate mean value. The mean values of liver ICDH and MDH were significantly (p≤0.05) higher during hot and cold environmental temperatures in comparison to overall moderate mean value. The mean values of liver LDH, GDH and SDH were significantly (p≤0.05) higher during hot and cold environmental temperatures in comparison to overall moderate mean value. The mean value of liver glycogen was significantly (p≤0.05) lower during hot and cold environmental temperature in comparison to overall moderate mean value. The sex and age effects were significant (p≤0.05) in all the environmental temperature periods for liver glycogen mean values. The sex and age effects were significant (p≤0.05) in all the environmental temperatures for each parameter studied. The interactions between environmental temperature X sex; environmental temperature X age and age X sex were observed for each parameter. The present study indicated that extreme environmental temperature periods can stimulate the liver, which was reflected in the form of variation in the activity of enzymes in the tissue related with the carbohydrate metabolism. The purpose of the study was to show that alterations in the enzyme activity could also occur in health conditions, as a means of developing the strategies, which make the survival of the animal possible, in otherwise hostile environment. All the hepatic enzymes studied were those associated with the key metabolic processes of the animals like glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, hexose monophosphate shunt, citric acid cycle etc. Alterations in the mean values of tissue enzymes due to variation in the environmental temperatures showed the adaptability of the animals and modulation of physiological mechanisms. The present study also explored the possibilities of rerouting of carbohydrate metabolism as mentioned in the literature for mammals during stress conditions. Although at primary levels, but the present investigation tried to find out the modulations of carbohydrate metabolism in Marwari goat and its relationship with other phenomena like environmental stress and oxidative stress.
enzymes, livestock, environmental factors, spacing, organic acid salts, glucose, metabolism, inorganic acid salts, irrigation, diseases