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The present investigation was conducted to estimate the combining ability,
heterosis, inbreeding depression, heritability, variability, genetic advance, correlations
and path coefficients for yield components and grain quality characters crossing 8
parents in diallel design (without reciprocals) at Agricultural Research Station,
Kampasagar. Further, through generation mean analysis, the nature and magnitude of
non allelic interactions were investigated.
Analysis of variance revealed the presence of sufficient variation in the
experimental material.
Through combining ability analysis, the parents, Akshyadhan, Basmati 370 and
Sumathi were identified as the potential combiners for grain yield and prime component
traits, panicle length, panicle weight, filled grains per panicle and 1000 grain weight.
Whereas, Improved Pusa Basmati and Basmati 370 combined well for kernel characters
including cooking quality traits. As such, these parents could be better utilized for
breeding material generation.
Among the crosses, Pusa 1121 x Sumathi, BPT 5204 x Basmati 370,
Pusa 1121 x Basmati 370, BPT 5204 x NLR 145, Sumathi x Improved Pusa Basmati,
RNR 2354 x Sumathi, BPT 5204 x Akshyadhan, RNR 2354 x Basmati 370,
NLR 145 x Pusa 1121 and Akshyadhan x Pusa 1121 for different yield components;
Pusa 1121 x Sumathi, BPT 5204 x RNR 2354 and BPT 5204 x Basmati 370,
Pusa 1121 x Sumathi and Akshyadhan x Improved Pusa Basmati for kernel quality
characters were identified as the best specific crosses in view of their high per se
performance, sca effects and gca of their respective parents.
Significant heterosis over mid and better parents was observed in many cross
combinations. The crosses, Akshyadhan x Pusa 1121, Akshyadhan x Sumathi,
NLR 145 x Pusa 1121 and RNR 2354 x Improved Pusa Basmati exhibited highly
significant heterosis and heterobeltiosis for yield and component characters besides
earliness. The other promising crosses for both yield components and quality traits were
NLR 145 x Basmati 370, Sumathi x Improved Pusa Basmati, Pusa 1121 x Sumathi and
Akshyadhan x Improved Pusa Basmati. High heterosis in F1 generation was
accompanied by high inbreeding depression in F2 generation for the prime yield
component, grains per panicle, whereas, the inbreeding depression was very low for
panicle weight and 1000 grain weight. Hence, direct selection for yield improvement
through these two characters would be highly beneficial. Considering this point,
Akshyadhan x Pusa 1121 for yield potential and BPT 5204 x RNR 2354 and
Akshyadhan x Basmati 370 for good cooking qualities with aroma were recommended
for straight selection.
Generation mean analysis was performed to detect the epistasis and estimate 5
components (m, d, h, i and l) as per 5 parameter model. The C and D scaling tests and
the joint scaling test (3 parameter model) confirmed that the additive dominance model
was inadequate to explain the inheritance of these characters. Based on the magnitudes
of fixable genetic variation (ādā & āiā types) and per se, pedigree selection in
segregating generations with respect to crosses, BPT 5204 x Sumathi,
RNR 2354 x Basmati 370 and Sumathi x Improved Pusa Basmati (for yield and quality)
and BPT 5204 x Akshyadhan, Akshyadhan x NLR 145, Akshyadhan x Pusa 1121
(for grain yield) and BPT 5204 x Pusa 1121, Improved Pusa Basmati x Basmati 370
(for quality alone) was recommended.
In F2 and F3 generations, among the yield characters, highest PCV and GCV
values were recorded for no. of filled grains/panicle followed by grain yield and panicle
weight indicating greater scope of obtaining high selection response for these traits.
High heritability (F2 and F3) along with medium to high genetic advance was noticed
for the trait, 1000 grain weight and most of the kernel traits, which facilitates direct
selection in segregating populations for development of pure lines with good yield
potential and quality.
Eleven crosses with high per se performance, heterosis coupled with less
inbreeding depression were carefully choosen and genetic parameters viz., GCV, PCV,
h2 (bs) and GA) were estimated to suggest suitable breeding techniques on cross wise
basis. Based on these results, direct selection for yield improvement in two crosses viz.,
Sumathi x Basmati 370 and Akshyadhan x NLR 145 and for quality improvement in
five crosses viz., NLR 145 x Pusa 1121, Pusa 1121x Sumathi, Pusa 1121x Improved
Pusa Basmati, Sumathi x Improved Pusa Basmati and Improved Pusa Basmati x
Basmati 370 was considered as highly feasible and recommended.
A critical analysis of both character association and path analysis in F1, F2 and
F3 indicated that, among the yield components investigated, panicle weight and no. of
filled grains/panicle are very important, as the correlation coefficients as well as the
direct effects were high irrespective of the generation.
The results of the present study revealed that the nature and magnitude of gene
effects differ depending on the cross and character under consideration. Hence, apart
from direct selection, the other procedures like recurrent selection or biparental mating
in early segregating generations to poolup desired genes is also recommended
depending on the cross combination.
Taking into consideration the whole genetic analysis through the present
investigation, pedigree selection in the cross combinations, Akshyadhan x Pusa 1121,
NLR 145 x Pusa 1121 and BPT 5204 x NLR 145 for grain yield and Akshyadhan x
Improved Pusa Basmati and Pusa 1121 x Sumathi for kernel dimensions (length, L/B
ratio) and BPT 5204 x RNR 2354 and Akshyadhan x Basmati 370 for cooking quality
characters was considered as most feasible and rewarding. In respect of other superior
crosses, instead of direct selection biparental mating in F2 generation followed by
selection was recommended alternatively.