Biological monitoring in cypermethrin induced albino rats

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Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana
Cypermethrin (CYP), a synthetic pyrethroid, was used in the present study to investigate its toxic effects on female and male albino rats at two sub-chronic dose levels of 1/25th and 1/50th of LD50 for four weeks. It was observed that CYP treatment at higher doses resulted in loose fecal pellets, hyperirritability alongwith reduced average daily feed and water intake. Net body weight gain was significantly lower in 1/25th of LD50 CYP treated female and male rats. Estrogen, progesterone and FSH hormones showed significant decrease in CYP treated female. Testosterone, FSH and LH decreased in cypermethrin treated male rats at both the doses. After four weeks of treatment, various organs were obtained after dissection and weighed. A significant decrease in the weight of liver was observed while kidney, adrenal and thyroid weights increased significantly in female and male albino rats treated with CYP (1/25th of LD50 and 1/50th of LD50).The weight of uterus increased in female rats and that of ovary and testis decreased in female and male rats respectively at higher dose of CYP. Increased ATPase, ACP, AKP, urea and creatinine levels were observed in plasma of rats administered CYP at both the doses. Low and high-dose treatments of rats with CYP significantly increased the levels of ALT, AST and NADPH Cytochrome C reductase in liver in a dose-dependent manner. Activity levels of catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione-S-transferase (GST), glutathione reductase (GR), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and lipid peroxidation (LPO) were differentially altered in plasma, liver, kidney, brain and gonadal organs of treated female and male rats at both the doses of CYP. Decrease in phospholipids and increase in cholesterol levels were observed in ovaries and testis of treated female and male rats. Histoarchitectural changes were observed in liver, kidney and brain of CYP treated female and male rats. Maximum percentage of atresia was observed in CYP treated rats at higher doses. Testes revealed some distorted seminiferous tubules and reduced number of spermatozoa. Sperm motility and count decreased while sperm abnormalities increased in treated male rats. Increase in percent of chromosomal aberrations, frequency of micronucleated cells, SCE and average tail length of comets in CYP treated rats indicate that CYP has definite interactions with DNA in treated rats. Decreased gestation period, litter size, sex-ratio, reduced body weight and delay in developmental parameters of pups were also observed in CYP treated rats. The present study provides greater insight to the fact that CYP induces oxidative DNA damage and alters the biochemical parameters accompanied by degenerative histological changes in rats.