Genetic studies on alternaria leaf spot disease resistance and yield component traits in sunflower (helianthus annuus l.)
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The present study was conducted to study the inheritance of resistance to Alternaria
blight and to improve the agronomic traits of the known source of resistance TX-16R,
through induced mutagenesis and hybridization followed by selection at MARS, Dharwad
during 2010-12.
Inheritance study of resistance to Alternaria helianthi from four crosses, with
common donor parent, TX-16R indicated inhibitory gene interaction with 3 resistant: 13
susceptible ratio. Induced mutagenesis of TX-16R with gamma rays at two doses (200 Gy
and 250 Gy) and with EMS (0.015 mols/dm3 and 0.020 mols/dm3) was attempted to improve
TX-16R for resistance to Alternaria leaf blight and agronomical traits coupled with
hybridization programme, of TX-16R was crossed with three male sterile, two maintainer
and two restorer lines.
Genetic variability among the 159 genotypes derived M3-4/F3-4 lines revealed that
GCV and PCV were high for seed yield per plant, 100 seed weight and Alternaria disease
reaction. Character association revealed that head diameter and 100 seed weight were
significantly and positively associated with seed yield. From the present study recombinant
lines 90, (72g), 92 (27.67g) and 133 (32.58g) derived from (CMS 4546A × DSF-2A) × TX-
16R cross, 44 (29.67g) from EMS (0.015 mols/dm3) and 222 (26.5 g) from EMS (0.020
mols/dm3) treatment were identified in M3/F3 and M4/F4 generation for seed yield, of which,
recombinant line 133 had high oil content (40.10%) compared to control TX-16R (37.74%).
The present study indicated that EMS treatment at 0.015 mol/dm3 and 0.020 mol/dm3
was found to be effective in creating more variability and resulted in isolation of desired
mutants compared to 200 Gy gamma radiation. From the hybridization programme, derived
lines of the cross (CMS 4546 × DSF-2) × TX-16R performed better for agronomic traits with
high Alternaria disease resistance that can be utilized in future hybrid development
programme for Alternaria disease resistance.