Study on impact analysis of Bt cotton in Haryana

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Cotton is a major fibre crop and used for textile purpose by about 75 percent of world’s population. The present study was conducted in the native state Haryana. Out of 22 districts, in the state, Hisar and Sirsa have the largest area and production under Bt-cotton in the state and therefore these two districts were selected for the study. In this study, adoption, attitude, impact and constraints of Bt-cotton growers were assessed from 160 respondents selected from 20 villages. Most of the respondents were from middle age group and educated up to intermediate to graduate and had medium level of land holding, socio-economic status, extension contact and mass media exposure. The results revealed that medium level of adoption was present for manure and fertilizer application, pest and diseases management and post harvest techniques of Bt-cotton production. There was a positive and favourable attitude towards environmental aspects, economical aspects, social aspects and technological aspects of Bt-cotton production technology in the respondents. It was also concluded that farmers had perceived a positive impact of Bt-cotton on their health, social, economical and ecological aspects. There was a positive and highly significant correlation of extension contact, education, mass media exposure and risk orientation with the impact of Bt cotton production technology while correlation of socio-economic status, irrigation facilities, scientific orientation and economic motivation with impact was found positive but non-significant. High cost of seed, failure of crop due to unfavourable weather condition, low price of farm produce at the time of harvesting, lack of demonstration trail and high rate of interest by money lenders, were found as most serious constraints related to Bt-cooton production during the study. It is obvious that adoption of Bt technology by cotton farmers benefited them significantly. Therefore, Bt-cotton should be expanded among all cotton growers to harvest benefits in term of higher yield and income.