Economics of production and marketing of banana in Thrissur district

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Department of Agricultural Economics, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara
The present study on the economics of production and marketing of banana in Tbrissur district was aimed to analyse the comparative economics of different varieties of banana viz., Nendran, Poovan and Palayankodan and to assess the marketing efficiency and constraints experienced by banana growers. The study was conducted with a sample of 60 growers for each variety. Three stage random sampling procedure was adopted for the study. Percentage analysis was used to analyse the data, and Cobb Douglas production function was fitted for analysing reosource use efficiency. Cost Ab cost A2, cost BI, cost B2, cost Cl and cost C2 per hectare of Nendran were Rs.143720.26, Rs.155898.20, Rs.144842.70, Rs.169842.50, Rs.164571.50 and Rs.189571.18 respectively. The figures in the same order for Poovan were Rs.78065.20, Rs.83689.96, Rs.79030.86, Rs.100530.50, Rs.9923 1.18 and Rs.120719.81 respectively. The corresponding figures for Palayankodan were Rs.41868.20, Rs.41868.20, Rs.42191.80, Rs.63691.81, Rs.55353.90 and Rs.76854.19. Labour was the most important input of expenditure in all the three varieties. The total receipts from the main product and byproducts at the aggregate level were Rs.22381&.00, Rs.170802.00, Rs.89124.90 for Nendran, Poovan and Palayankodan respectively. The cost of production per quintal ofNendran based on cost A}, cost A2, cost BI, cost B2, cost Cl and cost C2 were Rs.71O.87, Rs.771.1O, Rs.716.43, Rs.840.09, Rs.813.83 and Rs.937.48 respectively. The figures in the same order for Poovan were Rs.675.67, Rs.724.20, Rs.684.00 Rs.870.34, Rs.858.92 and Rs.I045.22. The corresponding figures for Palayankodan were Rs.227.80, Rs.227.83, Rs.229.50, Rs.346.55, Rs.337.89 and Rs.418.00. Benefit cost ratio based on cost At, cost A2, cost Bj, cost B2, cost Cl and cost ~ were 1.55, 1.42: 1.52, 1.32, 1.35 and 1.20 respectively for Nendran and 2.12, 1.97, 2.09, 1.65, 1.66 and 1.37 respectively for Poovan. The corresponding figures for Palayankodan were 2.17, 2.16, 2.14, 1.41, 1.61 and 1.16. Farm business income for Nendran, Poovan and Palayankodan were Rs.80098.20, Rs.92737.00 and Rs.48840.70 respective1Y.Ov-lnfal'lnbusiness income was Rs.68920.05 for Nendran and Rs.87112.23 and Rs.48840.70 for Poovan and Palayankodan respectively. Family labour income for Nendran, Poovan and Palayankodan were Rs.53976.20, Rs.70271.60 and Rs.27018.47 respectively. Farm investment income in the same order were Rs.60369.96, Rs.72702.36 and Rs.35678.33. The net income from Nendran worked to Rs.34247.66, while it was Rs.50071.00 and Rs.11536.26 for Poovan and Palayankodan respectively. Cobb Douglas type of production function fitted with output as dependent variable and human labour, manures, fertilizers, plant protection chemicals and support as dependent variables revealed that additional expenditure on plant protection chemicals and support can increase the total returns in Nendran. In case of Poovan, additional expenditure on human labour, manures and plant protection chemicals would increase the total returns, while in palayankodan, additional expenditure on manures and plant protection chemicals would increase the total returns. The most important marketing channel identified in the study area was "producer - KHDP market - retailer - consumer". The next important marketing channel was '5?i-oducer - itinerant commission agent - wholesaler - retailer - consumer". Producers share in consumers rupee through the most important channel was 70 per cent for Nendran and Poovan and 55 per cent for Palayankodan, while for the next important channel it was 64.65 per cent, 66.23 per cent and 65.21 per cent for Nendran, Poovan and Palayankodan, respectively. The indices of marketing efficiency for Nendran, Poovan and Palayankodan were 2.37, 2.33 and 1.23 respectively through the most important channel, while the corresponding figures through the second most important channel were 1.83, 1.96 and 1.87. Thus the efficiency of marketing ofNendran and Poovan was higher through the most important channel while the efficiency of marketing of Palayankodan was higher through the second most important channel.