Role of meteorological parameters in incidence of alternaria blight and white rust in raya (Brassica juncea) under different row spacing and row direction

dc.contributor.advisorDhaliwal, L.K.
dc.contributor.authorJaspreet Kaur
dc.description.abstractThe research experiment entitled “Role of meteorological parameters in incidence of alternaria blight and white rust in raya (Brassica juncea) under different row spacing and row direction” was conducted at the Research Farm, Department of Climate Change and Agricultural Meteorology, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana during rabi 2020-21. The experiment was conducted with two varieties (PBR 91 and PBR 357), two row directions (North-South and East-West) and six spacing (30cm×10cm, 30cm×20cm, 30cm× 30cm, 45cm×10cm, 45cm×20cm, and 45cm×30cm) in factorial-split plot design with three replications. The Package of Practices as recommended by PAU were followed for raising the crop. The micrometeorological parameters viz. photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), canopy temperature and relative humidity within canopy were recorded at periodic intervals, while daily meteorological parameters were recorded in Agrometeorological Observatory. Biometric observations such as leaf area index (LAI) and dry matter accumulation (DMA) were recorded periodically. The yield and yield contributing characteristics were recorded at the time of harvesting. The disease severity was recorded at weekly intervals. The PAR interception was higher in variety PBR 357 as compared to PBR 91 due to higher leaf area index. Maximum PAR interception was recorded under North–South row direction compared as to East–West row direction. Under different spacing, PAR interception was maximum in 45cm×30cm spacing. High relative humidity was observed in East-West row direction as compared to North-South row direction. Among the different spacing in 45cm×30cm spacing, lower severity of alternaria blight and white rust were observed. Alternaria blight severity was higher in East-West row direction and lower in North-South row direction. Similarly white rust severity was higher in East-West row direction and lower in North-South direction. Variety PBR 91 showed higher area under disease progress curve (AUDPC) as compared variety PBR 357 for alternaria blight and white rust. Among different spacing, the area under disease progress curve (AUDPC) was maximum in 30cm×10cm spacing and minimum in 45cm×30cm spacing. Seed yield was more in North-South row direction (21.4 q/ha) compared to East-West row direction (19.2 q/ha). Variety PBR 357 variety gave higher (21.2 q/ha) seed yield than PBR 91 (19.1 q/ha). Seed yield was maximum in 45cm×30cm spacing (21.2 q/ha) and minimum in 30cm×10cm spacing (18.9 q/ha). So microclimatic modifications (row spacing and row direction) can be used to reduce the yield losses due to alternaria blight and white rust.
dc.identifier.citationJaspreet Kaur (2022). Role of meteorological parameters in incidence of alternaria blight and white rust in raya (Brassica juncea) under different row spacing and row direction (Unpublished M.Sc. thesis). Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India.
dc.keywordsPAR interception
dc.keywordsRelative humidity
dc.keywordsAlternaria blight and white rust severity
dc.keywordsRow direction and spacing
dc.publisherPunjab Agricultural University
dc.research.problemRole of meteorological parameters in incidence of alternaria blight and white rust in raya (Brassica juncea) under different row spacing and row direction
dc.subAgricultural Meteorology
dc.themeRole of meteorological parameters in incidence of alternaria blight and white rust in raya (Brassica juncea) under different row spacing and row direction
dc.titleRole of meteorological parameters in incidence of alternaria blight and white rust in raya (Brassica juncea) under different row spacing and row direction