Technological Gap in Onion Production in Haveri District

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University of Agricultural Science, Dharwad
This study was conducted under University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad during 2014-15 in Haveri district of Karnataka state. Random sampling procedure was used to select 150 farmers and data collected through the personal interview method. Majority of onion growers were middle aged, 42.67 per cent of the onion growers studied up to primary school, 38.67 per cent farmers belongs to semi-medium land holding category, 49.33 per cent of respondents had medium level of farming experience, 52 per cent of respondents had medium level of area under onion crop. 57.33 per cent of farmers belonged to high level of economic orientation. Considerable per cent of respondents belonged to medium level of extension contact, mass media participation, innovative proneness and scientific orientation. The study revealed that cent per cent of onion growers adopted the recommended onion cultivation practices of proper harvesting stage followed by 98 per cent of farmers adopted correct sowing time, spacing and seed rate. 43.33 per cent belonged to medium category of technological gap. 98.00 per cent of technological gap was found in application of plant promoters followed by split application of nitrogen fertilizers. Majority of farmers got the market price information from others, 54.00 per cent farmers sold their produce in APMCs, 56.67 per cent farmers sold their produce immediately after harvest, 82.67 per cent of farmers graded the onion based on size. 70.67 per cent of onion growers indicated lack of knowledge of pest control as major production constraint followed by high cost of inputs. 92.67 per cent of farmers expressed that price fluctuation of onion was major marketing constraint followed by mal practice in weighment and lack of storage facility.