Evaluation and assessment of molecular diversity among Bt American cotton hybrids

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Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana
The present investigation was undertaken to evaluate the performance of Bt American cotton hybrids for various quantitative traits and to assess molecular diversity. Ninety-eight Bt hybrids along with two standard checks namely RCH 773 BG II (Bt hybrid) and PAU Bt 1 (Bt variety) were evaluated in 10 × 10 square lattice design at two locations (Ludhiana and Bathinda) during Kharif 2018. Mean squares for genotypes, locations, and genotype × location interaction were significant for all the characters except for enotype mean squares for plant height and sympods plant-1 ; location mean squares for fiber strength and lint index and genotype × location mean squares for sympods plant-1 . These results suggested the presence of significant variation among the experimental plant material, significant difference among the locations, and profound effect on the expression of seed cotton yield, its components and fiber quality traits. Hybrids namely NCEH-6 BG II, Bio 2510-2 BG II, ACH 177-2 BG II and SWCH 4755 BG II significantly outperformed the standard checks RCH 773 BG II and PAU Bt 1 for seed cotton yield plant-1 . Six hybrids significantly outperformed the check RCH 773 BG II for boll weight; however, fourteen hybrids were recorded significantly higher than that of PAU Bt 1. Similarly, thirty-three hybrids were observed significantly higher 2.5 % span length than the check RCH 773 BG II; whereas, six hybrids were found significantly superior than that of PAU Bt 1. Likewise, superior hybrids were identified for various quantitative traits. The molecular analysis of 96 genotypes showed that genotypes were broadly divided into three main clusters A, B and C. RCH 569 BG II was the most diverse as revealed by dendrogram. Dissimilarity coefficient ranged from 0.005 – 0.20 with mean of 0.08 among different pairs of genotypes and PIC values ranged from 0.00 to 0.57 with mean of 0.17. Clustering pattern suggested that more genetic relatedness is present among the hybrids of some of the seed companies than the hybrids of other companies. The present study has provided a useful insight into performance of Bt American cotton hybrids for various quantitative traits as well as information on molecular diversity among the test genotypes.
Mahavir (2020). Evaluation and assessment of molecular diversity among Bt American cotton hybrids (Unpublished M.Sc. thesis). Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India.