Studies on banana (Musa spp.) varieties in tarai region of Uttarakhand

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G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand)
The experiment entitled “Studies on banana (Musa spp.) varieties in tarai region of Uttarakhand” was conducted at Horticulture Research Centre of Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar (Uttarakhand) during 2018 - 2020. The trial was laid out using Two Factorial Randomised Block Design having three replications with 10 plants in each replication. During the investigation, observations regarding morphological characteristics like height; girth; cross sectional area (PCSA) of pseudostem; leaf number per plant; leaf length; leaf width; leaf area per plant; leaf area index; days to shooting; days from shooting to harvest; days from planting to harvest and suckering tendency at the time of shooting, yield characteristics such as bunch length; hands per bunch; fingers per hand; fingers per bunch; bunch weight; yield and productivity index, fruit quality parameters like finger weight; pulp weight; skin weight; pulp skin ratio; finger length; finger width; finger length width ratio; TSS; acidity; carbohydrate; starch content; total sugar; protein; fat; total carotenoids and ascorbic acid along with shelf life, nutrient content of fruits and frost resistance potential were recorded in different varieties of banana planted in three different months. To determine the profitability of the experiment the cost of cultivation, net profit and benefit cost ratio of different varieties planted in three different months were also worked out. The experimental results on the basis of interaction between different banana varieties and planting months revealed that for table purpose Grande Naine (G-9) variety of banana planted in May month was found superior among all by registering maximum bunch length (86.26 cm), number of fingers per hand (15.67), bunch weight (21.01 kg), yield (52.54 t/ha), productivity index (4.96) and phosphorus content (0.29 %) in fruits, plant recovery (93.33 %) from frost as well as B:C ratio (1.98) and also took minimum number of days from shooting to harvest (62.67 days). Basrai Dwarf variety and May month planting was found better after Grande Naine and May month planting in terms of bunch length (75.96 cm), number of fingers per hand (14.33), bunch weight (19.24 kg), yield (48.11 t/ha), productivity index (4.21), B:C ratio (1.73) as well as shooting to harvest duration (64.33 days). While, results also highlighted that for vegetable purpose one plantain type i.e., Monthan variety of banana planted in May month proved better registered with the yield (35.08 t/ha) and productivity index (2.76), carbohydrate content (29.40 %), maximum frost resistance potential with minimum membrane injury (35.22 %) and maximum membrane stability (64.78 %) as well as recovery (87.78 %) from frost. The results of the investigation reveal that for table purpose the banana variety “Grande Naine” (G-9) with planting during May to June (before onset of the monsoon) may be recommended for commercial cultivation in tarai region of Uttarakhand. The “Basrai Dwarf” was found to be next best variety after Grande Naine. However, plantain type (vegetable purpose) variety “Monthan” with planting during May to June can also be considered for commercial cultivation.