Impact of ragi based food supplement on the nutritional status of selected preschool children

dc.contributor.advisorPrema, L
dc.contributor.authorNagammal, K
dc.description.abstractA study on the impact of ragi based food supplement on the nutritional status of selected preschool children was conducted in the rural areas of Trivandrum district. As a first step, a survey to assess the dietary pattern of the preschool children with special reference to the influence of supplementary feeding and their food preference was conducted among 150 households using interview method . Besides the lack of physical facilities such as water, latrines, drainage etc. food consumption pattern of the majority of the families indicated general inadequacies in quantity as well as quality. This pattern was reflected in the daily meal pattern of the preschool children. Outbreaks of infectious diseases such as respiratory diseases, fever, diarrhoea and dysentery and scabies are found common among the preschool children. Nearly 25 percent of the families were found to neglect primary health care facilities due to various reasons. Food taboos were not generally found in infant feeding practices and mother were mainly responsible for child care activities. The preschool children selected for the supplement study (40) were attending anganwadies run under Integrated Child Development Scheme. The supplements regularly received under Anganwadies were rice, greengram, bulgar wheat and oil. Ragi biscuits were selected as a supplementary food for the anganwadi diet with at mixture of ragi, greengram , seasome, groundnut, skim milk powder, butter and sugar in different combinations. Twelve types of ragi biscuits were prepared and six were selected on the basis of the protein content and amino acid profile. From these six types, type 1 ragi biscuit was selected for feeding , after calculating the percentage preparation loss, cost per serving, percentage yield and acceptability. Overall acceptability was assessed on a five point hedonic scale. The selected type 1 ragi biscuits have ragi, green gram, skim milk powder, butter and sugar in the proportion of 3:1:2.5:1:2.5. The protein content of 100g of the biscuits is 14.1g. It was decided to supply three biscuits daily one biscuit weighing 9g. 40 preschool children were selected for the study and the feeding was conducted for six months. Biscuits were prepared on alternative days. Attendance of the children and plate waste during the feeding period were recorded. Anthropometric measurements were taken each month of the study and clinical and biochemical tests were carried out before and after the study for both experimental and control group. Weight for age profile of the preschool children indicated that there was an increase in the weight status eventhough the same was not significantly different for the experimental group. According to Gomez system of classification after the experiment children in the experimental group became normal. Height for age profile revealed that in general there was no significant difference between experimental and standard. Profile of arm circumstance revealed that there was a positive trend towards the standard. Chest/head ratio was found to be normal for all the children after the experiment. The mean weight status was significantly better for the experimental group than the control and was significant at five percent level. The mean height status wad better for the experimental group at ten percent level. Similar results were seen in mean arm ircumference. There was no significant difference for chest and head circumference between experimental and control groups. There was a positive trend in both the groups when weight /height 2 was calculated. The improvement id more in the case of experimental group. Clinical examination conducted before and after the experiment revealed that anemia, first degree malnutrition, dental caries, mottled teeth and discoloured hair were common deficiency symptoms prevelant among these preschool children. Haemoglobin level measured before and after the experiment showed that there was a positive trend in both the groups and more in the case of the experimental group.en_US
dc.keywordsRagi based food supplementen_US
dc.publisherDepartment of Home Science, College of Agriculture, Vellayanien_US
dc.subHome Scienceen_US
dc.themeImpact of ragi based food supplementen_US
dc.titleImpact of ragi based food supplement on the nutritional status of selected preschool childrenen_US
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