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Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola, Maharashtra.
The present investigation entitled “Molecular characterization of useful mutants of Foxtail millet (Var.PS4)” was under taken with the view to identify the promising mutants with respect to yield contributing traits. The study was carried out at Biotechnology centre, Dr. PDKV., Akola during year 2016-17. In the present study 50% lethality reduction was observed at 400 Gy treatment and hence it was (400 Gy) imposed for further irradiation with subsequent treatment of EMS with different time intervals ranging from 6 hrs to 24 hrs. The genotype of Foxtail millet Var. PS4 was irradiated with 400 Gy and 0.1% EMS. Treated seeds were sown at experimental field of Department of Botany to rise M1 and followed by M2 generation. The phenotypic observations with respective to yield contributing traits such as plant height, panicle number and density, anthocyanin coloration of bristles, reproductive tiller, distance of third internode, lethality, mutation frequency and mutagenic effectiveness were carried out M2 generation. However, in M1 generation observation on plant injury were recorded. Based on these phenotypic observations 110 promising mutants of foxtail millet for different attributes like low plant height, high bristles, high number of panicle, panicle length, reproductive tillers and plant yield were identified. The mutagenic concentration (400Gy+ 0.1%EMS, 24 hr treatment) resulted in significant increase in tiller numbers and panicle numbers, While resulted to be best treatment for dwarf height (400Gy) and (400Gy+ 0.1%EMS, 6hr treatment). Treatment for panicle length with significant increase is (400Gy+ 0.1%EMS, 18 hr treatment) and (600Gy). In this study, 27 SSR markers and 5 gene specific markers were evaluated in 9 foxtail millet genotypes. Promising mutants from M3 generation i.e. dwarf height, more number of panicles, number of reproductive tillers, panicle length, earliness and high bristles were selected for molecular screening. Molecular characterization using SSR markers and gene specific markers revealed considerable variability induced at various loci, targeted by SSR and gene specific markers. All 27 SSRs were polymorphic across the 9 foxtail millet genotypes. A total of 54 monomorphic and polymorphic alleles were detected with an average number of alleles of 1.87 and 0.62 per locus (range 1-2 per locus). Amongst 27 SSR markers used, SiGMS4069, SiGMS7828 and SiGMS2453 showed 100% percent polymorphism, followed by SiGMS12150 shows 66% polymorphism. SiGMS10547, SiGMS11633, SiGMS6281, SiGMS6938, SiGMS14131, SiGMS1995, SiGMS203, SiGMS9021 SiGMS9551 and SiGMS7002 shows 50% percent polymorphism respectively. Null promorphic observance were observed in gene specific markrers. The genetic variability analysis using jaccard’s coefficient clearly separated 9 foxtail millet genotypes into five distinct clusters in SSR markers and three distant clusters in gene specific markers were done. The genotypes belonging to the same cluster are genetically more or less similar and the genotypes belonging to the different clusters are genetically different from each other. The polymorphic marker identified in the present investigation for the characterization of promising mutants will be explored, in future, to see the association with any desired phenotype. Selective genotyping may be useful to see the association between genetic diversity and phylogenetic data, otherwise segregating population will have to screen. However, point mutations cannot be or very rarely detected by the SSR marker, considering this different approaches like single stranded confirmation polymorphism (SSCP), Endonucleolytic Mutation Analysis by Internal Labelling (EMAIL), High resolution melting (HRM), Heteroduplex analysis, should be used in future to investigate the important point mutation in functional gene. In the present investigation entitled.
The genotype of Foxtail millet Var. PS4 was irradiated with 200,300,400,500,600Gy and 0.1% EMS. Selective genotyping may be used for the screening of segregating population. Based on phenotypic observations 110 promising mutants of foxtail millet for different attributes like low plant height, high bristles, high number of panicle, panicle length, reproductive tillers and plant yield were identified. Molecular characterization using SSR markers and gene specific markers revealed considerable variability induced at various loci, targeted by SSR and gene specific markers. All 27 SSRs were polymorphic across the 9 foxtail milet genotypes.
PADMANE, SATISH BHIKAJI. (2017). Molecular characterization of useful mutants of foxtail millet (Var. PS4). Department of Agricultural Botany, Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola. M. Sc. 2017. Print. x, 125p.