Studies on the biodiversity of micro-arthropods and annelids in relation to physico-chemical parameter of soil

dc.contributor.advisorMisra, A. K.
dc.contributor.authorSagar, Ritu
dc.description.abstractThe variety and galaxy of micro-arthropods and annelids with their natural beauty occupy prime place in the biological world. Only a fraction of total micro-arthropods and annelids wealth had been subjected to scientific scrutiny. A little efforts had been made during the investigation of unravel the unexplored and hidden wealth of micro-arthropods and annelids in soil of Bihar in general at Pusa in particular. The present study was carried out to know the “Biodiversity of micro-arthropods and annelids in relation to physico-chemical parameter of soil”. Five experimental sites namely paddy field, teak plantation, soil fertility trial plot, mango orchard and litchi orchard were taken during the investigation in the month of July to September 2013 at Pusa Research Farm, Rajendra Agricultural University. This investigation describes specific features of soil biodiversity characteristics of main group of micro-arthropods such as collembolan, soil mite and enchytraeids with population in sites, their habitat in soil and also with aboitic factors. At each sites five pitfall trap and ten core samples were taken at the depth of 0-15 cm, 15-30 cm and 0-20 cm taken for the extraction of collembolan, soil mite and enchytraeids with the extraction apparatus Tullgren Funnel and OʿConnorʾs Funnel. Highest population of collembolan and soil mites were found in teak plantation and enchytraeids in paddy field .The month of July to August were found to be the peak period of these micro-arthropods at Pusa. The soil of this area were calcareous in nature. To determine physico-chemical parameter (pH, EC, organic carbon, soil moisture, bulk density, N, P, K, S and micro-nutrient) of soil were studies from each sites. A high population of micro- arthropods and annelids signifies the good health of soil including good structure and high organic matter content .Soil micro- arthropods play important role in nutrient recycling and build up the soil fertility. Mango orchard, litchi orchard and teak plantation were rich in leaf litter, organic matter and nutrient which signifies presence of high number of collembolan, soil mite and enchytraeids in the soil in and around Pusa. The presence of micro-arthropods and annelids also influenced by abiotic factor (temperature, rainfall, relative humidity). Collembola, soil mite and enchytraeids showed negative correlation with soil temperature. Relative humidity showed positive correlation with collembolan, soil mite and enchytraeids. However, collembola and soil mite showed negative correlation with rainfall whereas enchytraeids showed positive correlation with rainfall.en_US
dc.keywordsSoils, Microathropods, Annelids, Biodiversity,en_US
dc.publisherRajendra Agricultural University, Pusa (Samastipur)en_US
dc.themeBiodiversity of arhtropods and annelids in soilsen_US
dc.titleStudies on the biodiversity of micro-arthropods and annelids in relation to physico-chemical parameter of soilen_US
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