Evaluation of Different Species and Substrates for Cultivation of Oyster (Pleurotus spp.) Mushroom

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Agriculture University, Jodhpur
Mushroom is a large macroscopic fruiting body of fleshy, spore-bearing, multi-cellular edible fungi belong to division Basidiomycota. It is widely used in both food and medicine, it is a rich source of protein, vitamins and minerals. The effect of different media on the growth of Pleurotus spp. In vitro, different media (PDA, MEA, REA, and OMA) were evaluated to find out optimum medium for growth of Pleurotus species. The study on the effect of four media on the growth of oyster mushrooms indicated that the mycelial growth of P. eryngii was significantly more on oat meal agar (86.00 mm). However, minimum mycelial growth (40.00 mm) was observed on rice extract agar media. In case of P. sajor-caju the maximum mycelial growth was observed on oat meal agar (90.00 mm) and malt extract agar (90.00 mm) media, which was at par with each other, while minimum mycelial growth (65.00 mm) was observed on rice extract agar medium, and in case of P. sapidus the maximum mycelial growth was recorded on oat meal agar media (90.00 mm) and potato dextrose agar media (90.00) was at par with each other after 8 days of inoculation, while minimum mycelial growth (35.00 mm) was observed on rice extract agar media. The effect of the different substrates viz., wheat straw, sorghum straw, mustard straw, pearl millet straw and wheat + sorghum straw were evaluated for cultivation of oyster mushroom in the present study. In all three species namely P. eryngi, P. sajor-caju and P. sapidus, wheat straw showed the fastest spawn run, pin head formation, fruiting bodies formation, and minimum days required for first, second and third harvesting of mushroom followed by mustard straw, while maximum days for mycelium formation was observed on pearl millet straw. The total yield and biological efficiency, in case of P. eryngii the maximum total yield and biological efficiency was observed on wheat straw (698.33g and 69.83 per cent), while minimum total yield and biological efficiency was observed on pearl millet straw (576.69g and 57.69 per cent). In case of P. sajor-caju the maximum total yield and biological efficiency was observed on wheat straw (787.12.g and 78.71 per cent), while minimum total yield and biological efficiency was observed on pearl millet straw (590.45g and 59.04 per cent). In case of P. sapidus the maximum total yield and biological efficiency was observed on wheat straw (546.99g and 54.69 per cent), while minimum total yield and biological efficiency was observed on sorghum straw (398.45g and 39.84 per cent). The benefit: cost ratio, the maximum benefit: cost ratiofor P. sajor-caju was observed on mustard straw (5.96:1) followed by pearl millet straw (4.47:1) and wheat straw (3.56:1) while minimum benefit: cost ratio was observed on wheat + sorghum straw (3.25:1). In P. eryngii, maximum benefit: cost ratio was reported on mustard straw (5.86:1) followed by pearl millet straw (4.38:1) and wheat straw (3.55:1) while minimum benefit: cost ratio was observed on wheat + sorghum straw (3.25:1). In P. sapidus, maximum benefit: cost ratio was found on mustard straw (5.80:1) followed by pearl millet straw (4.29:1) and wheat straw (3.35:1) while minimum benefit: cost ratio was observed on wheat + sorghum straw (3.10:1).
Khan Ajjad 2022 Evaluation of Different Species and Substrates for Cultivation of Oyster (Pleurotus spp.) Mushroom. M.Sc. PPATH. Thesis. College of Agriculture, Agriculture University, Jodhpur.
Khan Ajjad 2022 Evaluation of Different Species and Substrates for Cultivation of Oyster (Pleurotus spp.) Mushroom. M.Sc. PPATH. Thesis. College of Agriculture, Agriculture University, Jodhpur.