Studies on Maize Germplasm Complexes By Line X Tester Analysis

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Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi
Present investigation was taken up to evaluate some newly developed germplasm complexes of maize for their future utilization in crop improvement programme. Eleven diverse germ plasm complexes used as females were crossed with three open pollinated heterozygous testers, of different genetic base, as males. Thirtythree cross combinations along with fourteen parents and one check variety were evaluated for two years for variability, heterosis and combining ability. The line x tester analysis for combining ability was done with crosses alone. Pooled analysis of variance components, combining ability variances and combining ability effects were done for twelve quantitative characters. Simple correlation and rank correlation was done to ascertain the association of parental performance and general combining ability effects and also for determining tester efficiency. The parents and crosses were found to differ significantly for almost all the characters in both the years. The mean values of the crosses were more than the parental mean of various characters. The phenotypic coefficient of variation was higher for grain yield, ear height, number of kernels/ear and 100-grain weight. Large number of crosses were found to give significant heterosis over mid-parent, better parent and over the check variety in majority of the characters. The manifesta tion of heterosis was strongest for some characters in the less favourable environment while for other characters a better envi ronment gave better heterotic effect.