Studies on Managemental Practices and Constraints of Various Categories of Buffalo Farms Around Mumbai

dc.contributor.advisorChopade, S. S.
dc.contributor.authorSiddiqui, B. I.
dc.description.abstractIn the present study the information on various aspect of management from the dairy owners was collected. A questionnaire was prepared and the respondents were asked questions and their respone was noted down.The dairy farms were categorize as big, having more than 100 animals, medium, having less than 100 and more than 50 animals and small if having less tthan 50 animals and overall response was also calculated.The results revealed that 64 percent dairy farmers from the overall dairy farmers were having layout plan of H-type and for any other type it was 36 percent. 100 percent of animal housing in Mumbai and around it was of conventional type. Almost 94 percent were having roadways and pathways and 60 percent orientation of shed were in East West directions and 40 percent North South directions. The arrangement of animals were in tail to tail system. Majority of sheds were having asbestos sheet roof almost 78 percent compared to the 22 percent of GI. The 78 percent of the dairy farmers were cleaning and washing the shed twice a day prior to milking. 70 percent of the dairy farmers were providing continuous ridge type of ventilation. 76 percent of farmers were having fair lighting whereas 24 percent farmers were having good lighting in the shed. 90 percen farmers were having cement concrete floor as compared to 8 percent kucha floor. 52 percent of the overall respondents were providing adequate space as per requirement of the animal whereas 48 percent didn’t provide adequatespace. 100 percent respondents were stall feeding.The feed and fodder sample were analysed and results revealed good quality in terms of nutritive value. 82 percent farmers were feeding mix ingredeient concentrate at 10 kg per day which was higher than other worker. 56 percent were offering 3-4 kg of paddy straw as dry fodder, 62 percent were providing the green fodder in the range of 5-6 kg.100 percent farmers were not feeding silage whereas 100 percent were feeding mineral mixture. 96 percent farmer provided special feeding to the advance pregnant animals. 68 percent of the respondents were receiving water from the Powai lake whereas 24 percent were getting from bore well. Frequency of watering was twice a day with 12 hours interval reported 86 percent respondent. 54 percent respondents not covering the water tank whereas 46 percent were covering. 94 percent farmers breeding their animals with natural service with bull of same breed. The age at first heat shown by the 88 percent of the respondents were in the range of 3-3.5 years whereas 84 percent of the respondents mated first time in the range of 3-3.5 years. 84 percent of the respondent were having the age at first conception in the range of 3-3.5 years.The age at first calving for 40 percent respondent was 4 and 5 years for 40 percent 44 percent respondent. 3 services required for successful conception. The average service period was 3 months. The average calving interval was 16 and 18 months reported by 28 and 38 percent respondents respectively. 100 percent of the respondents were detecting the heat from the symptoms. 62 percent of the respondent has the average conception rate as 70 percent. 84 percent of the respondents were salvaging the animals on the basis of low production. 52 percent of the respondent reported threshold milk production of 3 litre of milk for salvaging. Individual method of salvaging was practised by 78 percent of farmers. 82 percent farmers reported average distance of salvaging area 650 Gujarat whereas 82 percent of the dairy farmers were using truck salvaging. 82 percent farmers reported the conventional system of housing at salvage site 46 percent reported the shed has GI sheet as whereas 36 percent as asbestos sheet as roof material.Whereas 82 percent of the respondent reported having cement concrete as floor material. 100 percent reported that animal along with calf was taken back to farm after salvaging. 40 percent reported that the rearing cost of salvaging animal was Rs.2500/month. Farmers were practising manual method of milking with 100 percent by full hand. 76 percent were following the normal order of milking. 96 percent farmers were following the udder hygiene for mastitis prevention. 42 percent were following the calf suckling method for let-down of milk. 38 percent from the overall respondents reported having lactation length of 9 months followed by 32 respondent with 7 month.average Milk production per animal per day was 9 litre/day, 72 percent reported that the dry period was 3 months. 58 percent from the overall respondents were not spoting the sick animal, nor segregation of animals. 74s percent from the overall respondents were not spraying the premises regularly for killing the ectoparasites. 88 percent from the overall respondents were following regular prophylactic vaccination. 96 percent from the overall respondents were availing the veterinary services from the private practitioner to treat their animals. 52 percent of the respondent reported that the average wages of labour were Rs.350/- day with average working hours of 8 to 12 hours/day. 52 percent of the respondents fed colostrum to the new born calves within four hours after birth, Majority of respondents reported lack of godown facility at their premises dry fodder and non availability of land for growing greens, non availability of tested bulls for breeding purpose. Marketing of milk during the vacation period. Salvaging was practised however they were facing the problems from gaurakshak. There was heavy calf mortality due to negligence of dairy farmers. The dairy farmers reported that irregular supply of water was hampering their daily routines and affecting their work, irregular collection of dung and disposal by the Aarey authorities. It was concluded that farmers were rearing the animals in conventional system of housing, stall feeding the animal and providing concentrate and dry and watering animal twice a day.Breeding animal with males of same breed under natural service and sending low producing animals for salvaging.en_US
dc.keywordsLivestock Production Management; Managemental Practice; Constraints; Various Categories; Buffalo Farms; Mumbaien_US
dc.publisherMAFSU, Nagpuren_US
dc.subLivestock Production and Managementen_US
dc.themeStudies on Managemental Practices and Constraints of Various Categories of Buffalo Farms Around Mumbaien_US
dc.titleStudies on Managemental Practices and Constraints of Various Categories of Buffalo Farms Around Mumbaien_US
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