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Birsa Agricultural University, Kanke, Ranchi, Jharkhand
In Jharkhand, pig rearing is a traditional occupation of tribals and some weaker section of society. Pig can be reared economically with minimum expenditure on housing and equipments. Pig husbandry requires minimum labour with quick handsome return, which serves as important source of income for rural people. With the adoption of improved pig rearing practices under rural conditions, there will be significant increase in income of the poor farmers in the country who traditionally rear pigs. However, no effort have been made to study the adoption and knowledge of the improved pig farming practices. Also there is very limited attempt to estimate the economics of pig enterprise in the field condition. 2 Keeping the above facts in view and the importance of pig in economic upliftment of poor farmers of Jharkhand state, the present study is planned to have a comparative study of the organized and un-organized pig farms of Ranchi district and also to see the gap between the existing practices and the recommended scientific practices. The present study entitled “ECONOMIC EVALUATION OF PIG FARMING IN ORGANIZED AND UN-ORGANIZED FARM IN RANCHI DISTRICT OF JHARKHAND” has been designed with the following objectives :- 1. To study the socio-personal profile of the pig owners. 2. To study existing pig rearing practices followed by the pig owners of organized and un-organized farms. 3. To study the knowledge and adoption of improved pig rearing practices in organized and un-organized farms. 4. To estimate the cost and return from pig enterprise for pig production. 5. To study the marketing of pig and pork in organized and un-organized farms of Ranchi district. The present study was carried out in Ranchi district of Jharkhand. A list of all the organized farms in Ranchi district was obtained from Pig Breeding Farm, Ranchi Veterinary College, Kanke, Ranchi. 25 organized pig farms were selected randomly from the list and equal number of un-organized farms were selected from the adjoining areas. Thus a total of 50 respondents were selected for the study. The data was collected personally through a well structured and presented interview schedule supported with personal observation and guided field walks. The data thus collected was compiled, tabulated and subjected to the statistical analysis viz., Frequency, Percentage, Mean, Standard deviation, t-test, correlation were used for proper interpretation of data. Majority of the respondents were found to be middle age group (31 to 50 years), large family size and low extension contacts. 3 Majority of the respondents (60.00%) of organized pig farm was found belonging to ST category whereas in un-organized pig farm, majority of the respondents (48.00%) was found belonging to SC category. Majority of the respondents (40.00%) of organized pig farm were matriculate where as majority of the respondents (52.00%) of un-organized pig farm could read and write only. The „t‟ value indicated highly significant difference between the respondents of organized and un-organized pig farms. Majority of the respondents (68.00%) of organized pig farm had pig rearing as primary occupation whereas majority of the respondents (84.00%) of unorganized pig farm had pig rearing a secondary occupation. Majority of the respondents (64.00%) of organized pig farm possessed large land holding size (above 10.0 acre), whereas majority of respondents (48.00%) of un-organized pig farm had marginal land holding (0.1 to 2.5 acre). There was highly significant difference between the respondents of organized and un-organized pig farm. Average livestock size of organized pig farm was found to be 38.48 whereas in un-organized pig farm, it was found to be 15.6. Majority of the respondents (52.00%) of organized pig farm had high extension contact, whereas majority of the respondents (56.00%) of un-organized pig farm had low extension contact and there was highly significant difference between the respondents of organized and un-organized pig farm. Majority of the respondents had experience of about 5 years in pig rearing. Average litre size in organized pig farm was found to be 11.72 whereas in un-organized pig farm it was found to be 6.48. Most of the respondents of organized pig farm had high level of management whereas most of the respondents of un-grganized pig farm had medium and low level of management. The „t‟ value indicated highly significant difference between respondents of organized and un-organized pig farm. Most of the respondents of organized pig farm had high level of knowledge whereas most of the respondents of un-organized pig farms had medium 4 and low level of knowledge. There was highly significance difference between respondents of organized and un-organized pig farms. Most of the respondents (52.00%) of organized pig farm had high level of adoption of improved pig rearing practices, whereas in un-organized pig farm, most of the respondents (56.00%) had low level of adoption. There was highly significance difference between respondents of organized and un-organized pig farms. Zero order correlation revealed that education, occupation, stock size, extension contact and net annual income were found to be significantly correlated with knowledge. Cost and return analysis revealed that the respondents of organized pig farm were able to fetch the net income of Rs. 1588.36 per pig per annum, whereas incase of un-organized pig farm, respondents were able to fetch the net income of Rs. 974.60 per pig per annum. IMPLICATIONS : Based on the finding of the present work following implication can be made : 1. Results of the study indicated that pig rearing is being carried out mostly by ST & SC category. There is need to promote pig rearing on scientific lines among other sections of the society. 2. Results of the study further show that extension contact of un-organized pig farm was low in the study area. Therefore, there is an urgent need that the extension agencies should make regular visit to the villages for motivating about scientific pig rearing practices. 3. Research finding of the study makes evidence that pig owner of unorganized farm had a low level of knowledge, adoption & management towards pig rearing. Therefore, it becomes necessary that the pig owners of un-organized farm are provided proper training in scientific pig rearing so as to enhance their knowledge, adoption and management. 5 4. A major finding of the study, the sale of pork product was not found. So, training camps need to organize on preparation of various pork products such as ham, bacon, sausage etc, which would help in enhancing the income of pig owners from this enterprise.