Studies on population dynamics and efficacy of plant extracts, microbial and chemical pesticides against major pests of rice and their natural enemies

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G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand)
The experiments were conducted in rice variety Pant Dhan – 4, at Crop Research Centre of G. B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar, during Kharif, 2005. Several experiments were carried out preparing to behavioural activities of rice pests in respect of their eco-friendly management. It was observed that, the yellow stem borer population had two peaks, one at middle of crop growth period and other at following stage of crop. Maximum activity of leaf folder, brown plant hopper was observed from end of August upto middle of September while highest incidence of green leafhopper observed from second week of August upto first week of September. The spiders and Coccinellids were significantly visible from end of June and its population reached to highest peak during end of August. Among various plant extracts, Neem seed extract (2%) was observed as most superior and had significant effect on both rice pests and natural enemies while camphor extract (2%) was least effective. Regent was most effective against yellow stem borer while Dimilin showed better results against leaf folder. Confidor and Regent were found most superior against hoppers. Dipel was safest insecticide for Coccinellids and spiders while Dimilin was found harmful for them. Thimet was least effective against rice pests but had adverse effect on natural enemies.