Studies on bovine subclinical mastitis in Odisha with reference to its prevention through nutraceutical and phytoceutical

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Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology, Bhubaneswar
Cross-bred Jersey cows from four major milk-shed districts of Odisha i.e., Cuttack, Jagatsinghpur, Puri and Khordha having a minimum yielding record of eight liters milk per day were randomly screened for detection of subclinical mastitis. A study was conducted with 50 lactating cows suspected for SCM to identify a suitable cow-side test with higher sensitivity and specificity. Two laboratory-based diagnostic techniques i.e., somatic cell count (SCC) and cultural examination of milk were included to compare the results. Of the three cow-side diagnostic tests, modified California mastitis test (MCMT) was found to be the most sensitive (90.48%) and specific (87.50%) having an accuracy rate of 90.0 per cent compared to rest two tests i.e., Draminski Mastitis Detector (4Q Mast) and ABT-SCC Quick Count. MCMT was thus used in the mass screening programme to identify SCM. A total of 1736 cross-bred Jersey cows with the history of gradual reduction in milk yield, absence of visible change in milk and/or gland and aleration in appetite were randomly screened for detection of SCM. Prevalence of subclinical mastitis among the crossbred Jersey cows in milk-shed zones of Odisha varied between 37.59 to 30.33% with an average of 33.53%. Rate of mammary infection was more in hind quarters as well as early stage of lactation and progressively increased with number of calving. A total of 582 pooled milk samples were found positive to bacterial growth, of which 574 (98.63%) bacterial isolates could be identified, either in single (94.50%) or mixed (4.12%) form. Staphylococcus and Streptococcus spp. constituted 79.55 per cent of the total isolates. Rest isolates were Gram –ve bacteria with Escherichia coli as predominant organism. Of the 10 bacterial isolates identified from the milk samples, coagulase negative Staphylococcus spp. (CNS) positioned first having a share of 31.10%. Ceftiofur, cefuroxime and gentamicin exhibited highest degree of in vitro sensitivity extending upto more than 95 % against both Gram +ve and –ve bacterial isolates. About 90% isolates were found resistant to penicilin, colistin and cloxacillin. Serum calcium and phosphorus levels decreased significantly whereas total protein and C-reactive protein content were significantly elevated in subclinical mastitis affected cows. No significant alterations were recorded with respect to hemoglobin, glucose and iron in the affected animals. Teat dipping in 5% Curcuma longa solution for five minutes after each milking and oral administration of dicalcium phosphate @ 25 gm daily for 90 days could prevent occurrence of subclinical mastitis in 84 per cent cows.