Development of Decision Supporting System for Fertilizer Recommendation for Selected Zones of Karnataka

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UAS, Dharwad
Nutrient Management plays a vital role in increasing crop production, soil upgradation and healthy crop and as such is of great importance. Taking these things into consideration a Decision Support System on fertilizer recommendation in Crops (DSS) for selected zones of Karnataka has been designed and developed at University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad. DSS is developed using Visual Basic 06 as a plat form. DSS is a console application and provides decision to farmers on amount of fertilizer application in crops. The system will have great importance in agriculture as Experts are not always available to answer farmer’s queries. The system is based on STCR approach. The procedure provides a scientific basis for balanced fertilization and balance between applied nutrients and nutrients available in the soil. The system has been developed total for 6 zones viz., Zone-3, Zone-4, Zone-5, Zone-6, Zone-7 and Zone-8. Herein, the user gets an advice for fertilizer application based on the information provided for soil test values and targeted yield. The testing and validation of the system for the zone-8 was done. The developed decision support system is onpar with the farmers field condition in both the crops i.e., for maize and chilli. If the farmer applied the fertilizer according to the developed decision support system, they will get the same yield with a standard deviation of 7 quintals/ha and C.V 12.75 per cent in maize and standard deviation of 2 quintals/ha and C.V 11.53% in chilli. Fertilizer is not only the factor influencing the yield of a crop. There are many factor which influence like management, rainfall, quantity and method of irrigation, soil fertility, temperature, etc. Therefore, if we apply the fertilizer according to these DSS or in any other approach the yield may vary.