A study of Empowerment of Women through Mithila Milk Union

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Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University, Pusa (Samastipur)
Empowerment is most frequently used term in development dialogue today. It is also the most nebulous and widely interpreted concepts, which has simultaneously become a tool for analysis and also an umbrella concept to justify development interventions. Empowering women is one of the most crucial concerns of the Millennium Development Goals of the United Nations. Empowerment in the context of women’s development is a way of defining, challenging and overcoming barriers in a woman’s life through which she increases her ability to shape her life and environment. Livestock sector in India has experienced remarkable growth during the last two decades in terms of production, value of output from livestock and trade. Livestock contributes nearly 25% to the gross value of agricultural output at the national level and is a potential enterprise. At the household level, its contribution is much more in the case of small who comprise a sizeable proportion of rural households and control bulk of the livestock resources. Through the proportion of workers engaged in livestock production declined, livestock production is more women oriented as women contribute more than 70% of the labour requirement. Keeping in view of the above facts the present investigation entitled ‘Empowerment of Women through Mithila Milk Union’ was undertaken with the following objectives; I. Socio-personal characteristics of women respondents II. Women affiliation to the milk union and their empowerment III. Relationship between socio-personal characteristics of women respondents The study was conducted in purposively selected in Pusa Block of Samastipur district of Bihar state. A sample of five dairy cooperative societies was selected by following proportionate random sampling technique. A sample of hundred members was also selected with proportionate random sampling method. Thus the study was carried out on five women dairy cooperative society and hundred members of women dairy cooperative societies. The data collected with the help of interview schedule were analysed and interpreted using appropriate statistical technique which included percentages, frequency and mean value. The major findings of the present study are summarized that- A majority of respondents (58 %) belongs to young age group, (21 %) were in middle age group. Whereas, (21 %) old age group, on the basis of educational level women had been classified into seven groups, majority of respondents, 23% respondents fell into the educational category of ‘can read and write’, the overall data indicated that family education of respondents fell into the categories majority of respondents having passed ‘high school’ 24.5 %, most of the respondents fell into other backward class that is 48.5 % followed by respondents following into general caste category, the data related to social participation revealed that only 2 % women respondent from experimental group were the member of organizations, on the basis of family type viz; nuclear and joint. more than 50 % of respondents that is 53.5 % belonged to nuclear family as vice-versa. The overall data related to family size shows that 53.5 % for medium size followed by small and large, the data related to means of communication and transport shows that cycle was being use as means of transportation by the family in about 79.5% followed by motor cycle in 17% cases, livestock population related data reveals that number of livestock population (cow) was found low (46.5%) were as in medium was 16.5%. In buffalo, majority of population fell into low group 30.5 % and in medium group population was found only 3%, data of duration of membership 79 % of respondents were the members of dairy cooperative for more than 4 years. In Agricultural decisions, farm related decisions data shows that a majority of respondents 71 % respondents to farm related themselves under control group where as it was 92 % is experimental group, a majority of respondents in labour allocation related decisions, there was not significant difference between in labour allocation decisions being taken by both of groups, livestock related decisions, the data reveals that t-value being 4.129 experimental group women were participating highly in livestock related decisions the significance being at 1 % level. In household decisions data related to home management decisions inferred that the difference between the control group and experimental group women is indicating at 5 % level of significance the t-value being 2.12, in child related decisions data shows that there was no significant difference in making child related decisions by making both of groups, in economic decisions, data reveals that capital transaction decisions by both groups which was found non-significant, experimental group women was participated highly decisions to purchasing farm materials the t-value being 6.8, purchasing necessary household there is no significant difference between the groups in decision-making related to purchasing household necessary items. Disposal of farm produce, data shows that the experimental group women were different at 5 % level of significance pertaining to decision related to disposal of farm produce, in paired sample test for control and experimental group data cleared depicts that the experimental group women were participated significantly in livestock related and purchasing farm materials decisions the difference being a significant at 1 % level followed by significance of difference in decision making in cases of disposal of farm produce and household decision and home management decisions. Decision-making pertain with both of groups was found non-significant in case of purchasing necessary household items taking capital transaction decisions., child related decisions and labour allocation decisions .