Effect of Seed Treatments and Containers on Storability of Jute Varieties (Corchorous olitorius)

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UAS, Dharwad
The storage potential of JRO 204 and JRO 524 jute seeds was undertaken with seven seed treatments viz. captan @ 2g per kg seeds, chlorox @ 2g per kg seeds, boric acid @ 2 g per kg seeds, calcium chloride @ 2 g per kg seeds, tannic acid @ 2 g per kg seeds, ascorbic acid @ 2 g per kg seeds, control and were packed in cloth bag and polythene bag (700 gauge) and stored under ambient conditions for 12 months. The JRO 524 jute variety recorded higher germination and seedling vigour parameters compared to the JRO 204 at the end of 12 months of storage. Among the seed treatments, seed treated with tannic acid recorded higher germination (84.81%) and other seed quality parameters at the end of storage period. Seeds packed in polythene bag recorded higher germination (76.28%), vigour parameters with lower electrical conductivity and moisture content as compared to seeds stored in cloth bag at the end of storage period. In the interaction effect of varieties and treatments (VxT), JRO 204 and JRO 524 seeds treated with tannic acid recorded significantly satisfactory higher germination (83.38% and 86.23% respectively) as per minimum seed certification standards and other vigour parameters throughout the storage period. In the interactions between varieties and packaging materials (VxC), JRO 524 variety seeds packed in polythene bag was superior in all the seed quality parameters compared to cloth bag. In the interactions of seed treatments and containers (TxC), seed treated with tannic acid and stored in polythene bag recorded higher satisfactory germination (85.61%) with higher vigour parameters at the end of storage period. Among the interactions of varieties, seed treatments and containers (VxTxC), JRO 524 seeds treated with tannic acid and packed in polythene bag recorded higher satisfactory germination (87.36%) and other seed quality parameters at the end of storage period.
Seed Science and Technology