Studies on response of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp) for various irrigation schedules under varying water table conditions

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G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand)
Experiment with Cowpea (Vigna unguiculta (L).Walp) (2n= 22) var. Pant Lobia -1 was conducted at N.E. Borlaug Crop Research Center of G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar (Latitude 290N, Longitude 790 30’ E and Altitude 243.84 m a above msl) to study the effect of irrigation schedule on growth, development, yield and yield attributes, total water use and water use efficiency of Cowpea. The lysimeters under experiment were filled with silty clay loam soil and were associated with 30±1.5, 60±1.5 and 90±1.5 cm water tables. Six irrigation treatments included T1 ( 3 cm irrigation water at IW : CPE ratio 0.3 by flood method) ; T2 ( 2 cm irrigation water at IW : CPE ratio 0.2 by Sprinkler method) ; T3 ( 3 cm irrigation water at IW : CPE ratio 0.2 by flood method) T4 ( 2 cm irrigation water at IW : CPE ratio 0.15 by Sprinkler method) ; T5 ( 3 cm irrigation water at IW : CPE ratio 0.15 by flood method) and T6 (2 cm irrigation water at IW : CPE ratio 0.10 by Sprinkler method) lysimeters associated with water table conditions. The results have shown that Plant height of cowpea var. Pant Lobia-1 was found to be maximum (55.71 cm) in T1 treatment where 6 irrigations were scheduled based on IW : CPE 0.3 using sprinkler method of irrigation .Number of leaves was significantly affected by various irrigation schedules, water table depths and irrigation methods. Maximum number of leaves (30.20, 29.78 and 29.40) were observed under irrigation at IW: CPE 0.3 , 60±1.5 cm water table depth and sprinkler method of irrigation respectively. Number of branches per plant was found significantly higher (1.12, 1.80 and 2.41 at 25, 50 and 75 DAS, respectively) under 60±1.5 cm water table observed . The plots receiving irrigations at IW : CPE 0.10 recorded significantly more number of branches per plant (1.08, 1.88 and 2.54 at 25,50 and 75 DAS respectively). The number of branches per plant was higher (2.41 at 75 DAS) through sprinkler method of irrigation. Maximum leaf area (18.83 cm2) was observed in 90±1.5 cm water table depth. Plots receiving irrigations at IW : CPE 0.10 recorded significantly higher leaf area of 17.72 cm2, while sprinkler method produced significantly maximum leaf area (18.42 cm-2). Days taken to 50 per cent flowering ranges from 48.83 to 38.83 among different irrigation combination treatments in lysimeters under water table condition. Results have also indicated that grain yield in lysimeters with 60 cm water table receiving 6 irrigations using IW: CPE as 0.3 was highest when irrigated with flood method, while the lowest grain yield was obtained in lysimeters associate with 30 cm water table and receiving one irrigation based on IW: CPE 0.15 using flood method. Highest water use efficiency (WUE) 1.73 kg ha-1cm-1 was obtained in lysimeters with 90 cm water table and receiving six irrigation by flood method as IW: CPE 0.3, while it was lowest (0.80 kg ha-1cm-1 ) in irrigation treatments receiving IW: CPE 0.15 using flood method under 30 cm water table. It is concluded from this study that among different irrigation treatments, irrigation schedule based on IW: CPE as 0.3 (six irrigations) was beneficial to the crop under medium water table (60 cm depth)conditions and flood method of irrigation was superior over sprinkler method for maximizing yield (1896.3 kg ha-1) of cowpea.