Management practices for the optimization of rice (Oryza sativa L.) yield for RCP based climatic scenarios under Punjab conditions

dc.contributor.advisorSidhu, Prabhjyot Kaur
dc.contributor.authorAryal, Anupama
dc.description.abstractA study was conducted to analyse the changes in yield and phenology of rice under the future scenarios (RCPs 2.6, 4.5, 6.0 and 8.5) at different agroclimatic zones (AZ) of Punjab. The ensemble model (http://gismap.ciat . simulated an increase in maximum and minimum temperature with decrease in rainfall in AZ II, III and IV during the 21st century. The CERES-Rice (Ver 4.7.5) was used to analyse the yield trend and their deviations for cv PR 126 and PR 127 during the mid-century (2025-54) and end-century (2061-90) from the baseline period (2010-2020). The CERES-Rice model was calibrated and validated using the crop data collected under the mandatory trial of “All India Co-ordinated Research Project on Agrometeorology” during crop year 2020. The calibration and validation showed the simulated results to be close to the observed with a low NRMSE for anthesis, maturity, grain yield and LAI of 0.89/0.77, 0.86/0.54, 1.09/1.98, and 4.33/3.00%, respectively for PR 126/ PR 127. The yield and LAI showed a polynomial relationship with high grain yield /peak LAI during 24 to 30 June as 8425-8473 kgha-1/4.23-4.24 for cv PR 126 and during 20 to 26 June as 8298-8356 kgha-1/4.20-4.21 for cv PR 127. The model was used to study the future rice yield trend and their deviations from the baseline and optimization practices. The simulated rice yield trend for the current transplanting dates showed a strong deviation at AZ II :55 and 58%, III : 67 and 70%, IV :53 and 44% and V :57 and 55% for PR 126 and PR 127, respectively while the maturity was shortened by 8-11 days during the EC under RCP8.5. The optimized transplanting window (1 June to 16 July) was evaluated and the results showed the later dates of transplanting to perform well at all zones except at AZV (Abohar). The 20-25 days old seedlings, plant population of 28 plants/m2 and fertilizer dose of 158 kgN/ha gave optimum yield of rice for AZ II, III, IV and V (Faridkot). The cv PR 126 yielded better as compared to PR 127 at all the locations. The results revealed that rice cultivation in AZ V especially at Abohar would not be viable option for farmers.
dc.identifier.citationAryal, Anupama (2023). Management practices for the optimization of rice (Oryza sativa L.) yield for RCP based climatic scenarios under Punjab conditions (Unpublished M.Sc. thesis). Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India.
dc.keywordsAgroclimatic zone
dc.keywordsRCP scenarios
dc.publisherPunjab Agricultural University
dc.research.problemManagement practices for the optimization of rice (Oryza sativa L.) yield for RCP based climatic scenarios under Punjab conditions
dc.subAgricultural Meteorology
dc.themeManagement practices for the optimization of rice (Oryza sativa L.) yield for RCP based climatic scenarios under Punjab conditions
dc.titleManagement practices for the optimization of rice (Oryza sativa L.) yield for RCP based climatic scenarios under Punjab conditions