Awareness and usage of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools among school teachers of Punjab

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Punjab Agricultural University
The present investigation entitled “Awareness and usage of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools among school teachers of Punjab” was conducted with the objectives to ascertain the awareness about ICT tools among school teachers, to measure the extent of use of ICT tools by school teachers and to identify the constraints faced by them in using ICT tools. The research was conducted in five districts of Punjab purposively which are not adjoining to each other. Two urban schools from each district belonging to different blocks were taken by the use of convenient sampling method. From each school, 20 teachers were selected by using simple random sampling method. A total number of 200 respondents were selected in order to collect data. The findings of the study revealed that majority of the respondents were from age group of 36 to 48 years and were post-graduates. Maximum per centage of the respondents were designated as teachers and about one-third were designated as lecturers. More than half of the respondents had received in-service trainings related to ICT. Most of the ICT tools were accessible to all respondents. Majority of the teachers were having medium level of awareness and medium extent of using ICT tools in the school. WhatsApp and audio calls were highly used for contacting students and their parents. Constraints faced by teachers included slow speed of internet, poor maintenance of ICT tools, lack of technical and trained staff to handle ICT tools. All of the respondents agreed upon various benefits of ICT tools and its importance after implementation in the educational curriculum. The study suggested that the respondents needed more advanced trainings on ICT tools and provision of budget to improve ICT infrastructure for efficient use of ICT tools in the schools.
Mahi Singh (2024). Awareness and usage of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools among school teachers of Punjab (Unpublished M.Sc. thesis). Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India.