Adaptation of Kumauni designs using computer aided designing for value added woven products

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G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand)
Uttaranchal is a new state and there is dire need to popularize its art and beauty and to expose the in-house captivated designer‟s skill to the outside world by integrating the traditionally restricted Kumauni folk design into new textile experimentation. The present study was an initial step in the direction of creating textile designs, using traditional folk designs of Uttranchal by the use of CAD and to make value added products by using natural dyes. The survey was carried out to get more detailed information of Kumauni designs and to develop new designs by taking inspiration from traditional designs.Thirty designs were prepared i.e. ten each for shawls, jackets and stoles,out of which two best designs for each category were selected for product development. Wool yarns used for product development were dyed with natural dyes to make them value added and the sources of natural dyes used were Kilmora roots (Berberies vulgaries), Cutch wood (Acacia catechu), Annatto seeds (Bixa orillana), Coleus leaves (Coleus blumei) and Walnut bark (Juglan regia). Six products namely shawls, jackets and stoles were prepared by weaving technique. The designs were incorporated through weft yarn figuring using natural dyed yarn. The undyed woolen yarns were used as warp threads in all products. Cost for articles was also calculated and were in the range of Rs 330 to Rs 475. The developed designs and products were accessed by the entrepreneurs of woolen products for its marketability. In their opinion the designs are in line with new trends and if popularized, these designs will give the state of Uttaranchal a place in fashion world