Effect of Irrigation, Manuring and Time Of Sowing On The Growth, Yield And Quality of High Yielding Varieties of Wheat

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Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi
Field experiments were conducted during two rabi sensors of 1968-69 and 1969-70 on sandy loam soil at the Irrigation Research Station, Madhipura to workout the effects of irrigation, trogen doses, and time of sowing on two wheat varieties. Whent cultivars NP 852 and Sonalika vere evaluated in respect of growth field and quality at five levels of irrigation, three levels of nitrogen and three sowing dates. Split plot design of layout with two replications vas adopted wherein fifteen combinations of five levels of irrigation (one, two, three, four and five at different stages of growth including pre-soving) and three soving dates (15th November, 6th December and 27th December) vere in the main plots and six combinations of three mitrogen doses (67.2, 134.4 and 201.6 kg N/ha) and two cultivars (NP 852 and Sonalika) vere in the sub-plots. A basal dose of 150 quintals vell rotten F.Y.M. per hectare during preparation of field and 67.2 kg P205 and 44.8 ₂0/ha at the time of sowing were applied in all the treatments. Urea, single superphosphate and muriate of potash were used as a source for mitrogen, phosphorus and potash, respectively. Half dose of the nitrogenous fertilizer and the full dose of the phosphatic and potassic fertilizers were placed 8-10 on deep in furrows at the time of sowing and the remaining half of the nitrogen dose was applied as top dressing in two equal splits after 21 days and 45 days of sowing. The results obtained from the two years experiment are summarised below: Dwarf wheat Sonalika vas proved to be the best variety followed by the tall wheat NP 852, Sonalika produced the highest grain yield followed by ip 852, Sonalika gave increa sing yield of grain with increasing levels of irrigation and nitrogen doses at all the soving dates. In NP 852, the grain yield was increased upto four irrigations and 134,4 kg l/ha in case of two early soving dates (15 th November and 6th December). In case of last soving on the 27th December, RP 852 vith 67,2 kg /ha and four irrigations proved superior to Sonalike. The earliest sown crop on the 15th November gave the maximum grain yield and succeeding dates of soving on the 6th December and 27th December reduced the grain yield to the extent of 1.7 and 37,8 per cent, respectively. Tall wheat NP 852 produced the highest straw yield followed by Sonalika during both the years. With increasing levels of irrigation straw yield increased in both NP 852 and Sonalika in case of all the dates of sowing. Increasing doses of nitrogen up to highest level increased the straw yield at all the dates of sowing in Sonalika but increase was up to 134,4 kg N/ha in lp 852,