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Publisher : Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola, Maharashtra.
Abstract: Black gram (Vigna mungo L) is an annual pulse grown mostly as a fallow crop in rotation with rice. Black gram commonly known as Urad in India. India is its primary origin and is mainly cultivated in Asian countries including Pakistan, Myanmar and parts of South Asia. About 70 per cent of world's black gram production comes from India. Urad is grown primarily for its protein rich seeds. It is as dal and as ingredient in snacks like idli, dosa, vada and papad. India is largest producer as well as consumer of black gram. Black gram output accounts for about 10 per cent of India's total pulse production. Black gram is rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, and it is storehouse of calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, copper, manganese etc. Milling of pulses reduces fibre content; improve palatability, appearance, texture, and cooking quality of pulse. Milling of pulses without pre-treatment result in low dal recovery. It is, therefore, important to look at different aspect of milling so that proper process and machinery are used to obtain maximum recovery of good quality dal from grain and take corrective measure to reduce milling losses to minimum. Keeping in view the above; the present study will be undertaken for maximum whole dehulled grain recovery. The grains were cleaned and graded and dried up to 10% moisture content (w b). The sample size of grain was 1kg. The first pass was common i. e. done for scarification (pitting) of grains at a feed rate of 200 kg/h followed by oil treatment @ 0.25% (of the weight of grain). The oil treated sample was heaped for overnight, dried in a tray dryer to reach the moisture content near about 10% (w b) and then it was passed through milling mechanism. After second pass samples of each outlet was used for analysis of broken, husk, mixture of fine husk and powder, intact dehulled, intact undehulled, split dehulled and split undehulled for further analysis. Gota Recovery, Dal Yield and Dehulling Efficiency calculated by using standard formula. The performance of the machine was evaluated for dehulling of black gram at three feed rates (70, 140 and 210 kg/h), three clearance (3, 5 and 7 mm), and three roller speed (700, 1000 and 1300 rpm) respectively. The response parameters investigated were gota recovery, dal yield and dehulling efficiency. Three variables, three level Central Composite Design (CCD) model was followed and analysis was done using response surface methodology by using Design Expert Software to optimize machine parameter for maximum gota recovery, minimum dal yield and maximum dehulling efficiency. The optimum gota recovery, dal yield and dehulling efficiency was obtained as, 12.5 per cent, 66.28 per cent and 71.53 per cent.
Description: The whole dehulled black gram grain is used for preparation of south Indian dishes. So there is good demand of whole dehulled black gram in south Indian states. But there is no small capacity dehulling machine is available for home level pulse milling. So it was decided to conduct the experiment for optimizing machine parameters of small capacity dehulling machine for dehulling of black gram for more recovery of whole dehulled grain (gota).
Citation: CHAVAN, GANESH MAHENDRASING. (2021). Study on Dehulling of Black Gram. Department of Agricultural Process Engineering (Agricultural Engineering), Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola. M. Tech. 2021. (unpublished).