Effect Of Feeding Urea-Treated Straw Based Rations On The Reproductive And Productive Performance Of Buffaloes

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Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana
Twelve dietary combinations were prepared using fermented wheatstraw (FWS) as the sole roughage supplemented with either of the low protein conventional concentrate mixture (Conc.-I), high protein conventional concentrate mixture (conc.-II), maize grains (M), solvent extracted mustard cake (DMC), deoiled rice bran (DRB), uromol bran mixture (UBM), deep stacked poultry litter (DSPL), dried poultry droppings (DPD), M-DMC mixture (50:50), M-UBM mixture (50:50), M-DPD mixture (50:50) or M-UBM-DPD mixture (50:25:25) in 70:30 or 60:40 ratio making a total of 24 dietary combinations. The digestion kinetics for DM and CP revealed that FWS:DPD had the highest, whereas, the FWS:M-DMC had the lowest rapidly soluble fraction. The potentially degradable fraction was found to be maximum in FWS:M and minimum in FWS:DPD dietary combinations. The FWS:DRB and FWS:UBM had the highest degradation rates which were responsible for their significantly higher effective degradability as compared to other combinations. The highest undegradable fraction noted in FWS:M-UBM-DPD followed by FWS:DMC was responsible for high rumen fill values. The FWS:DRB, FWS:UBM and FWS:DPDcombinations had higher potential for DM intake. The higher concentrate level was responsible for higher potentially degradable fraction, which was degraded at a faster rate resulting in significantly higher effective degradability. The low undegradable fraction was responsible for low rumen fill values, which predicted of high potential for DM intake. Out of 24 dietary combinations, FWS:Conc.-I, FWS:UBM, FWS:DRB, FWS:M, FWS:DMC, FWS:M-DMC, FWS:DPD in 70:30 ratio were selected for a 152 d growth trial conducted on 28 buf falo calves divided into 7 groups. The digestibility of nutrients and nitrogen retention and nutritive value was highest in FWS:UBM followed by FWS:DMC and FWS:Conc-I groups. Almost, all the blood parameters were observed well within the normal range xcept that of blood urea (FWS:UBM) and creatinine (FWS:DMC and FWS:DRB). Even the dietary combinations like FWS:DPD did not have any adverse effecton blood profile. Maximum daily live weight gain was noted in FWS:DMC group which was statistically comparable with that of FWS:Conc, FWS:M and FWS:M-DMC. A 120 d lactation trial was conducted to see the effect of FWS:DMC and FWS:UBM in comparison to FWS:Conc.-1 on the productive and reproductive performance of 15 milch buffaloes. The three dietary combinations did not have any significant effect on digestibility of nutrients, blood parameters, quantity or quality of milk and reproduction status of the animals. However, in FWS:UBM group, the animals on an average lost 104 g body weight/day as compared to gain in weight in other groups.