An Economic Analysis of Mustard Cultivation in Bundelkhand Region of Uttar Pradesh”

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Banda University of Agriculture & Technology, Banda-210001, Uttar Pradesh, India
Rapeseed-mustard (Brassica species) is the third most important oilseed crop after soybean and groundnut, contributing nearly 20-25 per cent of the total oilseed production in the country. They occupy an important position next to groundnut both in area and production. Rajasthan is the leading rapeseed mustard producing state in India while Uttar Pradesh ranked at second place. Mustard is a major Rabi oilseed crop of India. Mustard seeds are known by different names in different places sarson, rai or raya, toria or lahi. Rapeseed has greater potential to increase the availability of edible oil from domestic production despite the high quality of oilseed and its adaptability for various agro-climatic conditions. The study was an attempt to examine the pattern of growth, instability, cost and return of production of mustard crops at state and district level. The time series data for the period 1981-1982 to 2019-2020 was collected from various published sources which were further divided in to three sub periods. CAGR, coefficient of variation, cost and returns were calculated for estimating, growth rate and instability in area, production and productivity in mustard crop. The results revealed that the area, production and productivity was increasing by 0.73, 2.49 and 1.75 per cent per annum during the overall period of Uttar Pradesh and in case of Bundelkhand region of Uttar Pradesh area, production and productivity was increasing with a compound growth rate of 2.94, 4.36 and 1.38 per cent per annum respectively. The instability analysis indicated the highest variability in area of Bundelkhand with 47.3 per cent CV value and 17.3 per cent in Uttar Pradesh. The highest variability in production was observed in Bundelkhand region with 78 per cent CV value and lowest in Uttar Pradesh with 33.6 per cent CV value. The highest variability in productivity Bundelkhand region with 30.5 per cent CV value and lowest in Uttar Pradesh with 23.6 per cent CV value. The total cost cultivation per hectare was revealed to be Rs. 51695.00. Per hectare return from main product was Rs. 50629.36. By product yielded Rs. 3113.69 per hectare. Net return obtained was Rs. 2048.05 per hectare. Keyword: Compound Annual Growth Rate, Coefficient of variation, CACP cost concept of Mustard crop cultivation, Instability, Bundelkhand region and Uttar Pradesh
Pramod Kumar Yadav. 2022. An Economic Analysis of Mustard Cultivation in Bundelkhand Region of Uttar Pradesh”. Thesis, M.Sc.