Performance assessment of modified hara and constructed solar hara

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The study was conducted in four phases. In phase-I, the baseline survey was carried out to study the usage pattern of conventional hara in villages. In IInd phase, modified and low cost solar hara were developed. In phase III Comparison of cooking quality of food cooked in conventional, modified and solar hara were done and in Phase IV Feasibility analysis of modified hara and solar hara was performed. Under phase- I, Hisar district of Haryana state was selected purposively. Mangali and Shahpur villages of Hisar I block and II block were selected purposively for easy accessibility. A sample of 50 respondents from each village were taken, thus to make a total sample of 100 respondents. Data were collected personally with the help of well structured interview schedule. Findings revealed that majority of the respondents were agricultural labor and were landless. Most of the respondents used fixed type of hara, constructed with mud and used it for animal feed and for own food. Hara was constructed by the homemakers in most of the households. Preparation of animal feed was taken highest cooking time. For the storage of dung cakes most of the respondents used available open place and the major problem of fuel getting wet was reported by the majority of respondents. Use of hara creates several problems like irritation in eyes. Majority of the respondents desired that hara should be more time saving. Results of phase-II show that model M3 (double wall mud hara with holes and grate) was best in terms of power output (0.73 kw-hr) and thermal efficiency (20.17%). In case of solar hara model SM1 was found to be best in terms of inside hara temperature (84.450C), water temperature (72.700C) and thermal efficiency (19.44%). The results revealed in phase-III showed that overall acceptability of kheer, khichadi and dalia prepared in modified hara was significantly higher than solar and conventional hara. Phase-IV pertains the feasibility analysis of modified and solar hara which shows that modified hara was considered as feasible and soar hara was considered as most feasible.
energy resources, biological phenomena, agreements, farmyard manure, wood, irrigation, profit, area, storage, livestock