Avian infectious laryngotracheitis: A neglected poultry health threat in India

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The poultry sector is one of the rapidly expanding and most dynamic segments of the livestock sector globally. The world aver- age poultry meat consumption is expected to rise by 3.7 kg accounting nearly 40% of the meat consumed in 2030 [I]. The world's egg production is projected to increase from 70.4 million metric tons in 2015 to 89.9 million metric tons in 2030 at a growth rate of 1.6% per year [Z]. The incredible achievement has been brought about by the adoption of improved breeding methods. nutrition and management practices. Despite these. selective breeding policy. intensive rearing and improper vaccination of birds makes them more vulnerable to diseases. Among the prevail- ing diseases, avian infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT) is one of the important contagious viral respiratory diseases distributed world- wide and remains a constant threat to the poultry industry [3]. The greatest incidence of disease occurs in areas of intensive poultry production that is alarming for poultry health and welfare 14}. The Indian poultry industry is one of the fastest growing sectors and important element in the agricultural economy of the nation. ln recent years, significant expansion of the poultry population in lndia increased the risk of emergence of several viral pathogens.
Veterinary Science