Economic impact of public sector agricultural research in ragi and redgram in Karnataka

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University of Agricultural Sciences, Bengaluru
In this study, the economic impact of research in ragi and redgram crops in Karnataka is analyzed and quantified using economic surplus, TFP and Partial Budgeting approaches. For this purpose, in Ragi, GPU 28 and in Redgram BRG 2 varieties released by the University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore have been considered as they were appreciably performing with increasing adoption over time. The primary data on costs and returns in the cultivation of the main and check varieties have been obtained from farmers. The gross returns realized by the BRG 2 red gram farmers as pure crop per acre was Rs.18, 513, whereas it was Rs.16, 082 by check variety (TTB 7) farmers with a difference of Rs. 2430 per acre, higher by 15 percent. The gross return realised by the GPU 28 farmers were Rs. 18,236 whereas it was Rs. 14,389 by check variety farmers higher by 27 percent. The estimated economic surplus due to adoption of BRG 2 redgram variety in Karnataka was Rs. 56.47crores for the period 1995 to 2010. The economic surplus due to Ragi GPU 28 variety is Rs. 1540 crores from 1986 to 2010. The economic impact of research in red gram and ragi using partial budgeting technique indicated that the total economic benefit realised by adopting the BRG 2 redgram variety in Karnataka is estimated as Rs.3.84 crores per year and Rs. 115.44 crores per year for GPU 28 variety of ragi. The Total Factor Productivity index of redgram grew at the rate of 3.31 per cent per annum and that of ragi grew at 4.75 per cent per annum. Thus, Public research significantly contributed to TFP growth in ragi. The additional investment of one rupee in ragi research generated additional income of Rs. 26.84, indicating substantial rate of returns to investment on research in ragi in Karnataka.
millets, economics, costs, productivity, crops, area, pigeonpeas, biological development, manpower, land resources