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Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University
A pot culture experiment entitled “Response of blackgram to zinc and iron fertilization in calcareous soils” was conducted at Agricultural college, Bapatla, during 2017. The experimental soil was moderately alkaline in reaction, non-saline, high in calcium carbonate, low in organic carbon, available N, available P2O5, high in K2O, medium in sulphur, sufficient in Mn, Cu whereas, deficient in zinc and iron. The treatments comprised of T1 - control, T2 - 22 mg of ZnSO4.7H2O per kg soil, T3 - 44 mg of ZnSO4.7H2O per kg soil, T4 - Foliar spray of ferrous sulphate at 30 DAS*, T5 - Foliar spray of zinc sulphate at 40 DAS*, T6 - T2 + T4, T7 - T2 + T5, T8 - T4 + T5, T9 - T2 + T4 + T5, T10 - T3 + T4, T11 - T3 + T5, T12 - T3 + T4 + T5. *Ferrous sulphate - FeSO4. 6H2O (0.5%) + 0.1% citric acid foliar spray and **zinc sulphate - ZnSO4.7H2O (0.2%) foliar spray. The experiment was laid out in completely randomized design (CRD) with 12 treatments replicated thrice. 3 kg of soil was potted in each pot (polthylene- lined) which received FYM @ 5 t ha-1 and fertilizers N, P2O5, K2O (25:50:25 kg ha-1) through urea, SSP and MoP. Zinc sulphate was applied either soil application or foliar spray and ferrous sulphate was applied according to the treatments. The findings of the experiment revealed that soil physical properties (bulk density, water holding capacity), physico - chemical properties (pH and EC) and chemical properties (organic carbon, N, P2O5, K2O, Fe, Cu, Mn) were not significantly influenced at 45 DAS and harvest stage of blackgram by the imposed treatments. However, soil application of zinc sulphate significantly influenced sulphur and zinc status of the soil at 45 DAS and harvest stage. The growth parameters such as plant height (45 DAS and harvest) and dry matter accumulation (45 DAS) were significantly influenced by zinc and iron fertilization. Significant improvement in plant height and dry matter accumulation were recorded with imposed treatments. T12 (44 mg ZnSO4.7H2O per kg soil + foliar spray of ferrous sulphate at 30 DAS + foliar spray of zinc sulphate at 40 DAS) was superior over control (T1). xx Chlorophyll content (a, b, a+b) at 45 DAS and harvest stage were registered maximum with 44 mg ZnSO4.7H2O per kg soil + foliar spray of ferrous sulphate at 30 DAS + foliar spray of zinc sulphate at 40 DAS (T12) and lowest was recorded with control (T1). Equal number of pods per plant were obtained in T12 (44 mg ZnSO4.7H2O per kg soil + foliar spray of ferrous sulphate at 30 DAS + foliar spray of zinc sulphate at 40 DAS) and T9 (22 mg ZnSO4.7H2O per kg soil + foliar spray of ferrous sulphate at 30 DAS + foliar spray of zinc sulphate at 40 DAS). Seed yield and haulm yield were recorded higher with T12 (44 mg ZnSO4.7H2O per kg soil + foliar spray of ferrous sulphate at 30 DAS + foliar spray of zinc sulphate at 40 DAS) and lowest was observed with T1 (control). Maximum harvest index was obtained with the treatment T9 (22 mg ZnSO4.7H2O per kg soil + foliar spray of ferrous sulphate at 30 DAS + foliar spray of zinc sulphate at 40 DAS) which was on par with T12 (44 mg ZnSO4.7H2O per kg soil + foliar spray of ferrous sulphate at 30 DAS + foliar spray of zinc sulphate at 40 DAS while minimum was obtained in control (T1). The P, K, Mn, Cu concentrations in plant were not significantly influenced by the treatments. However, N, S, Zn and Fe concentrations were significantly influenced. Significant increase in nutrient (N, P, K, Zn, Fe, Mn and Cu) uptake was recorded with 44 mg ZnSO4.7H2O per kg soil + foliar spray of ferrous sulphate at 30 DAS + foliar spray of zinc sulphate at 40 DAS (T12) when compared to control (T1). Maximum protein content in seed was observed with T12 (44 mg ZnSO4.7H2O per kg soil + foliar spray of ferrous sulphate at 30 DAS + foliar spray of zinc sulphate at 40 DAS) while minimum was observed in T1 (control). Molar ratios (P/Zn and P/Fe) were maximum in control (T1) and minimum in 44 mg ZnSO4.7H2O per kg soil + foliar spray of ferrous sulphate at 30 DAS + foliar spray of zinc sulphate at 40 DAS) (T12). AB-DTPA extractant was highly correlated with conventional methods of extractants for soil available phosphorus, potassium and micronutrients (Zn, Fe, Mn and cu). From the present investigation, it can be concluded that in calcareous soil, 44 mg ZnSO4.7H2O per kg soil + foliar spray of ferrous sulphate at 30 DAS + foliar spray of zinc sulphate at 40 DAS (T12) performed better in obtaining higher nutrient concentration and uptake, maximum yield and nutrient status in soil. These combined methods (44 mg ZnSO4.7H2O per kg soil + foliar spray of ferrous sulphate at 30 DAS + foliar spray of zinc sulphate at 40 DAS) were effective when compared to other methods for better crop growth.