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Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University
The present study entitled “Economic analysis of production and marketing of maize in Kurnool district of Andhra Pradesh” was undertaken mainly to study growth rates of area, production and productivity, costs and returns, resource use efficiency, marketing aspects and constraints in production and marketing of maize. Three stage sampling was adopted for the selection of district, mandals, villages and the sample farmers. A sample of 120 farmers was randomly selected from the selected two mandals and four villages. The farmers were stratified into Marginal (<1 ha), Small (1-2 ha) and Other (>2 ha) categories on the basis of their size of operational holding. The primary data for the year 2013-14 were collected through a pre-tested schedule by survey method. Conventional as well as functional analysis was used to analyze the data and arrived at valid conclusions. Compound growth rates of area and productivity of maize showed significant increase at All-India level, in Andhra Pradesh and in Kurnool district that were influential in boosting the production of maize during the overall reference period. The total cost of cultivation of maize per hectare was Rs. 54,610.82, Rs. 51654.7, Rs. 47,159.63 and Rs. 50,214.55 on marginal, small, other and pooled farms respectively. The per hectare cost of cultivation and cost of production (Rs/Qtls) are inversely related with the farm size. The gross returns were Rs. 62,260.75, Rs. 63,018.24, Rs. 65810.35 and Rs. 63,353.11 on marginal, small, other and pooled farms respectively indicated direct relationship with the farm size. The DEA analysis pertaining to the resource use efficiency in maize cultivation revealed that, 12.5 per cent of the farms are operating at CRS indicating efficient utilization of resources. Majority of farmers (62.50%) are operating at IRS and 25 per cent of the farmers are operating at DRS indicating that, more resources should be provided to the farms operating at IRS and the same should be decreased towards the farms operating at DRS. Price spread in transacting maize was studied with reference to two marketing channels: Channel-I (Producer → Commission agent → Wholesaler → Poultry feed unit → Retailer → Consumer (sale of poultry feed)), Channel-II (Producer → MARKFED → Co-operative dairy → Consumer (sale of animal feed)). Of the two channels identified in transacting maize, Channel-II was found more efficient than Channel-I, as indicated by the computed marketing efficiency indices. Majority of the farmers prioritized power cut as the major constraint for production of maize with a mean score of 73.47 followed by high cost of input and input services (67.72) and shortage of labour during production (62.63). Regarding marketing, they prioritized frequent price fluctuations as the major problem with a mean score of 71.84 followed by unorganized marketing (67.85) and lack of transportation facilities (64.38). In view of the production constraints, regulating quality power supply to the farmers, purchase of inputs on co-operative basis, encouraging farm mechanization, effective implementation of crop insurance scheme etc., deserve immediate attention to improve production scenario. The prospects of marketing of maize can be enhanced through improving transportation facilities, marketing news and information network and strengthening scientific storage facilities.