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Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli
The present investigation entitled “Standardization of conditions and media for growing roses and evaluation of rose varieties (Rosa spp.) under agroclimatic conditions of Konkan” was undertaken at College of Horticulture, Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli during the year 2018-19 and 2019-20 by considering the commercial importance of roseto maximize the production of farmers throughout the year.The whole experiment was conducted in three sub experiments. The first experiment was “Standardization of growing structure for cultivation of roses under Konkan climatic conditions” which consisted of three treatments viz., T1 (Open condition), T2 (Polyhouse condition) and T3 (Shadenet condition). The experiment was laid out in and replicated seven times andshowed that the significantly maximum plant height (102.45 cm), number of branches (18.52), number of leaves (524.60), plant spread (44.17cm), total leaf area (8393.67 cm2), earliest flower development (44.29 days),stalk length (42.99 cm), number of flowers per plant (25.25), number of flowers per m2(93.42), number of flowers per hectare (9.35 lakh) was recorded in treatment T2 i.e. polyhouse, whereas, significantly maximum bud length (4.23cm), bud diameter (3.44cm), flower diameter (9.84 cm), number of petals per flower (50.07), fresh weight of flower (20.43g), yield of flower (15.95 t/ha) were recorded with treatment T1 i.e. Open condition. Maximum vase life was observed in treatment T3 i.e. shadenet. The economic analysis of the yield data revealed that T1 i.e. open condition recorded highest net profit (Rs/-26741.64) promoting highest B:C ratio (3.04)among growing conditions. The second experiment was “Standardization of growing media for rose cultivation” which consisted of five treatments viz., T1 i.e. Soil, T2 i.e. Cocopeat, T3i.e. Soil + Cocopeat (1:1), T4 i.e. Soil + Coirhusk (1:1), T5 i.e. Soil + FYM + Cocopeat + Ricehusk (1:1:1:1), and was laid out in randomized block design and replicated four times andrevealed that significantly maximum plant height (106.83 cm), number of branches (18.94), number of leaves (484.93), stem diameter(1.83 cm), plant spread (44.06 cm), total leaf area (8363.77cm2), earliest flower development (41.57 days),minimum days for 50 per cent flowering (153.38 days), maximum duration of flowering (320.63 days),stalk length (48.78 cm), bud length (4.35 cm), bud diameter (3.50 cm), flower diameter (8.77 cm), number of petal per flowers (52.17), fresh weight of flower (19.15 g), number of flowers per plant (25.99), number of flowers per plot (649.91), number of flower per hectare (6.85), yield of flower (13.14 t/ha) were recorded in treatment T5 i.e. Soil + FYM + Cocopeat + Ricehusk. The treatments T3 i.e. Soil + Cocopeat recorded significantly maximum vase life (11.63 days) of flower. In second experiment of growing media the treatment T4 i.e. Soil + Coirhusk recorded highest net profit (Rs/-13571.90) promoting highest B:C ratio (1.43) among growing media. The third experiment was “Evaluation of rose cultivars under shadenet conditions (Hybrid Tea roses)” which consisted of seven treatments viz., T1 (Bordo), T2 (Top Secret), T3 (Golden Strike), T4 (Avilanch), T5 (Tropical Amazon), T6 (Poisen), T7 (Gladiator) in randomized block design and replicated seven times and it was recorded that significantly maximum plant height (97.99 cm), number ofleaves (525.41), total leaf area (8165.68 cm2), leaf area index (6124.26), stalk length (41.29 cm), bud diameter (2.59 cm), flower diameter (9.85 cm), number of petals per flower (44.50), fresh weight of flower (17.25 g), number of flowers per plant (26.38), number of flowers per m2 (97.59), number of flowers per hectare (9.76), yield of flower (15.01 t/ha), vase life (12.93 days) was recorded in treatment T7 i.e.Gladiator. However, significantly maximum number of branches (19.02) and earliest flower development (33.13 days) was recorded in treatment T3 i.e. Golden Strike. In third experiment treatment T7 i.e. Gladiator recorded highest net profit (Rs/-13654.75) promoting highest B:C ratio (1.80). From above findings, it could be concluded that growing of the ‘Gladiator’ variety in ‘open condition’ using media ‘Soil + Coirhusk’ (1:1) under Konkan agro-climatic conditions was found economical.