Growth and variability of major crops in raisen district of madhya pradesh

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ABSTRACT (An abstract of the dissertation submitted to the Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh) in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Agriculture, Agril. Economics & F.M.) The growth rates in area, production and productivity for cereal, pulses and oil seed were secured in different micro-farming situation of Madhya Pradesh. The technical advancement in growth, resulting into higher productivity and stabilized the effective substitute of land use and cropping pattern, while has the growth impulse for cereals, pulses and oilseeds of Madhya Pradesh specially, Raisen District. The following objectives were undertaken: 1. To find out the trend and growth rates of area production and productivity of major crops. 2. To estimate the variability in area, production and productivity of major crops in the study area. 3. To identify the major factors affecting the production and productivity of the major selected crops. 4. To offer suggestion of augments production and productivity of the major crops in the study area. The present study was undertaken in Raisen district of Madhya Pradesh and the Secondary data of area, production and productivity of major crops were collected from District Statistical Office of Raisen District from the year 2002-03 to 2011-12. The mean was worked out by using the time series secondary data. To measure the variability the coefficient of variation (C.V.) was worked out growth rate and trend analysis were carried out by using least square method and fitting the linear model. Results of this study shows that variability in production of soybean in different tehsils was higher mainly due to acreage and productivity variability and high variability in production of paddy, the moderately high variability in production of wheat as compared to variability in its acreage and productivity was mainly found due to interactive action of variability of both area and productivity. In case of gram, there was no relationship between the variability of area, production and productivity in different tehsils of the district and the growth in area of paddy was found to be positive and highly significant for all tehsils except tehsil Udaipura where growth in area was significant. The highly significant reduction in acreage and production of soybean was noted for the whole district. Soyabean crop is vanishing from the cropping pattern due to irregular trend of monsoon rain and introduction of hybrid rice. The growth in area of gram in most of the tehsils was positively and highly significant in six tehsils but growth in production was positive and highly significant in six tehsils along with district level. Near about 89 per cent variables in yield of paddy was contributed by all four variables taken under study. Some of the other variables like rainfall during crop season, fertilizer consumption may be included in the selection indices while determining the yield Only 50 Percent variation in the yield of the soybean was explained by all these studied variables. The yield of gram positively and significantly influenced by irrigated pulses area only in Silwani tehsil. The multiple R2 value was 76.52% at district level indication that more than 23.50% of the total variation in yield of gram was unexplained by all there variables taken under study.
productivity, area, biological development, crops, irrigation, rice, wheats, yields, soybeans, grain legumes