Dynamics and Sustainability of Livestock Sector in Punjab.

Livestock is an important sector in Punjab state. Owing to the changing dynamics globally and nationally present study was conducted to analyse the growth pattern, composition, intensity of livestock sector and factors determining them, and to assess the sustainability status of the sector in the state. The study was based on secondary data of livestock population from livestock censuses and various other variables warranted by the objectives. The study was carried out by employing tabulation with compound growth rates, percentages and indices. The trend of livestock population in the state was not in consonance with national scenario as they were declining since 1990s. The overall growth of livestock species was also found to be declining. The change was mainly due to preference towards high productive milch animals and technological advancement. A recent surge in sheep population was noticed due to the implementation of extension centres and breeding programmes. The composition of livestock was found to be favoring buffaloes. In the state buffaloes mainly female stock are gaining importance as people prefer for high fat content milk and rearing of productive animals. The intensity of livestock species other than buffalo was found to be declining. The growth, composition and intensity of the sector were mainly governed by institutional support. The results revealed that the sustainability of the state was found to be increasing over the period due to increase in high productive stock and low environmental externalities. Hence, this sector could be promoted for diversification among agricultural subsectors.
trend, environmental