Acreage Response of Major Foodgrains Produce In Ranchi District Of Jharkhand

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Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi
Proper planning and policy Formulation, it is a matter of paramount importance to study the behavior of farmers’ altitudes towards price variations. It is in this context that the acreage response of farmers to the change in price of their products has attracted the economists. Keeping this in view, the present investigation was undertaken to study the acreage response of major food grains produce in Ranchi district. Various analytical technique and methods were used to achieve the objectives. The results obtained from the study reveals that paddy still remains to be the dominant crop of area constituting 86.44 percent of the total foodgrains cropped area. It has also been found that area devoted under maize and marua are large as compared to other foodgrain crops except paddy. The linear growth rate of area and production of maize showed highly significant growth over years than the other foodgrain crops. The co-efficient of variation in price and yield of paddy was observed to be the highest among all the crops studied in the district. The acreage response of the crops studied in this research has been analyzed by using the Nerlovian partial Acreage Adjustment Model. The results revealed that co-efficient of previous years price of paddy and maize are found to have significant impact on current acreage of these two crops. Also co- efficient of previous years area under paddy, wheat and barly are found to have significant and positive impact on current acreage of these three crops. The analysis of price elasticties of supply revealed that they varied from (-) 0.3783 to 0.4455 in short run and from (-) 0.5335 to 2. 75 in long run period . This indicates that the price factor contributes very little to the decision of farmers in area allocation of the crop studied in short run and only farmers growing paddy are seen to show some response to price changes albeit in the long run. It can, thus, be concluded that the area allocated in previous years in paddy, wheat and barley has something to do with area allocation in the current year. Also, farmers growing paddy and maize respond positively to the previous years prices of these crops in acreage to be allocated in the current year.Thus, a remunerative price policy with stability in prices of these two most important crops of the Ranchi district will enhance production and productivity of these crops.